surprise 是通用詞,它的含義是使人壹楞。這種吃驚可能包含著高興也可能包含害怕或憂慮。
In spite of this, some people including myself-were surprised by a recent exhibition of modern sculpture.
I rang the bell and was not surprised to see that Herbert was as fat as ever.
astonish 在現代英語中通常表示某事使人震驚得難以置信。
The successful laying of the Atlantic cable astonished everybody: its later breaks astonished no one; but after it was finally in operation. many said that no future invention could surprise them.
在大西洋底下成功地鋪設了電纜,這使得大家都感到駭然; 後來有幾處電纜折斷了,誰也不感到驚奇。不過在這些電纜終於投入工作之後,許多人都說,未來的任何發明再也不會使人吃驚了。
He was astonished at what he found. A man was lying in the box on top of a pile of woolen goods.
astound 比 astonish 的詞義強得多,常用於表示某件事妳雖然認為有可能,但與妳所發現的實際情況之間有很大差距。
The police were astounded when Mrs Ramsay told them what she had done.
amaze 所表示的吃驚中包含著使人迷惑不解、困窘或驚疑不定。(maze是迷宮)
When the archaeologists reconstructed the fragments, they were amazed to find that the goddess turned out to be a very modern-looking woman.
Scientists have been amazed to find that it can cut through the hardest rock with great ease.