v.
(使)趕緊,
(使)匆忙,
加速
n.
匆忙,
倉促
vt.
1.
使趕緊;催促
The
salesman
hurried
the
customer
to
make
a
choice.
售貨員催促顧客作出選擇。
2.
急派
The
sick
child
was
hurried
to
the
hospital.
生病的小孩被趕緊送往醫院。
vi.
1.
趕緊;匆忙
She
hurried
home
to
tell
them
the
news.
她匆匆回家告訴他們這壹消息。
n.[U]
1.
急忙;倉促;忙亂
In
her
hurry
she
forgot
to
leave
her
phone
number.
匆忙間她忘了留下電話號碼。
2.
(用於否定句和疑問句)必須趕快[+to-v]
There
is
no
hurry
to
make
a
decision.
沒有必要匆忙作出決定。
3.
渴望,急切
She
was
in
a
hurry
to
see
her
child.
她急切地想見到她的孩子。