古詩詞大全網 - 成語經典 - store怎麽讀 store的正確發音?

store怎麽讀 store的正確發音?


Store是壹個常用的單詞,它可以用作名詞、動詞和形容詞。作為名詞時,它表示“商店”、“貯藏室”等意思,例如:“I bought a new dress from the store.”(我從商店裏買了壹件新裙子。)“We keep our tools in the store.”(我們把工具放在庫房裏。)作為動詞時,它表示“儲存”、“存儲”等意思,例如:“We store our wine in the cellar.”(我們把葡萄酒存放在酒窖裏。)“The computer stores the data on the hard drive.”(電腦把數據存儲在硬盤上。)作為形容詞時,它表示“存儲的”、“儲備的”等意思,例如:“The store manager is responsible for maintaining inventory levels.”(商店經理負責維護庫存水平。)

Store是壹個常用的單詞,它可以用作名詞、動詞和形容詞。作為名詞時,它表示“商店”、“貯藏室”等意思,例如:“I bought a new dress from the store.”(我從商店裏買了壹件新裙子。)“We keep our tools in the store.”(我們把工具放在庫房裏。)作為動詞時,它表示“儲存”、“存儲”等意思,例如:“We store our wine in the cellar.”(我們把葡萄酒存放在酒窖裏。)“The computer stores the data on the hard drive.”(電腦把數據存儲在硬盤上。)作為形容詞時,它表示“存儲的”、“儲備的”等意思,例如:“The store manager is responsible for maintaining inventory levels.”(商店經理負責維護庫存水平。)