Phonetics studies the actual sounds used by the speakers of a language, how people pronounce them etc.Phonemics studies the phonemic structure of a language (or of a variety of a language). According to one view a speaker of a languge uses a finite number of phonemes when speaking, but these may be pronounced differently in different contexts. We call these varieties allophones. In spanish for example b at the beginning of a word sound like a v to English people but in the middle of a word it is often more like a b for many speakers. There is a difference between the two sounds but they belong to the same phoneme as the difference is never used to distinguish two different words. In Hindi there are two ts which sound the same to English people but one is made against the teeth (it is dental) and the other with the tongue against the roof of the mouth (it is retroflex). No doubt they sound very different to Hindi speakers and the difference between these two sounds is used to distinguish words so we can say the two sounds belong to different phonemes.
phonetics:1. The branch of linguistics that deals with the sounds of speech and their production, combination, description, and representation by written symbols.2. The system of sounds of a particular language.phonemics1. the study of the phonemic systems of languages2. the description and classification of the phonemes of a specific language
Phonetics: study of the representation and production of speech sounds, study of phonetic systems (Linguistics) Phonemics : study of phonemes (smallest units of a language)