up的區別如下。
grow可以作及物動詞或不及物動詞,也可以作聯系動詞,表示成長、種植或變得怎麽樣的意思,如:
壹、及物動詞用法。
always
grow
a
few
red
onions.
Lettuce
was
grown
by
the
Ancient
Romans.
started
growing
my
hair.
二、不及物動詞用法。
We
stop
growing
at
maturity.
The
hair
began
to
grow
again
and
felt
terrific.
They
began
to
grow
as
persons.
三、聯系動詞用法:
He
is
growing
old.
Faint
grew
the
sound
of
the
bell.
The
hair
of
the
dog
grows
thick.
grow
up只有不及物動詞的用法,表示長大成人,成熟的意思,如果主語為事物,則表示形成、興起或逐漸發展的意思,如:
She
grew
up
in
Tokyo.
It
is
time
that
my
son
grew
up.
variety
of
heavy
industries
grew
up
alongside
the
port.