古詩詞大全網 - 成語經典 - my happiness英語作文60詞

my happiness英語作文60詞

My Happiness

Happiness is a feeling that everyone wants to have. Happiness can come from different things for different people. For me, happiness is simple. It is spending time with my family, learning new things, and enjoying nature.

I love my family very much. They are always there for me when I need them. They support me in everything I do. They make me laugh and smile. They give me warmth and comfort. I feel happy when I am with them. We often do things together, such as watching movies, playing games, or going out for dinner. These are the moments that I cherish the most.

I also feel happy when I learn new things. I like to read books, watch documentaries, and listen to podcasts. I am curious about the world and want to know more about it. I enjoy learning new facts, skills, and perspectives. Learning makes me feel fulfilled and confident. It also helps me to grow as a person.

Another source of happiness for me is nature. I love to see the beauty of nature, such as the blue sky, the green trees, and the colorful flowers. I love to hear the sounds of nature, such as the birds singing, the wind blowing, and the water flowing. I love to feel the touch of nature, such as the sun shining, the rain falling, and the grass tickling. Nature makes me feel calm and peaceful. It also reminds me to appreciate the gift of life.

These are some of the things that make me happy. Happiness is not something that can be bought or measured. It is something that can be felt and shared. Happiness is simple, but precious.









Happiness is a feeling that everyone wants to have.

- 主語:Happiness

- 謂語:is

- 賓語:a feeling that everyone wants to have

- 定語從句:that everyone wants to have,修飾a feeling,從句中的主語是everyone,謂語是wants,賓語是to have

Happiness can come from different things for different people.

- 主語:Happiness

- 謂語:can come

- 狀語:from different things for different people

- 介詞短語:from different things,修飾can come,介詞是from,賓語是different things

- 介詞短語:for different people,修飾from different things,介詞是for,賓語是different people

For me, happiness is simple.

- 狀語:For me

- 主語:happiness

- 謂語:is

- 賓語:simple

- 介詞短語:For me,修飾整個句子,介詞是for,賓語是me

# It is spending time with my family, learning new things, and enjoying nature.

- 主語:It

- 謂語:is

- 賓語:spending time with my family, learning new things, and enjoying nature

- 並列句:spending time with my family, learning new things, and enjoying nature,用and連接三個動名詞短語作賓語

- 動名詞短語:spending time with my family,主動形式表示被動意義,介詞短語with my family修飾spending time

- 動名詞短語:learning new things,主動形式表示被動意義,定語new修飾things

- 動名詞短語:enjoying nature,主動形式表示被動意義

I love my family very much.

- 主語:I

- 謂語:love

- 賓語:my family

- 狀語:very much

- 定語:my,修飾family

# They are always there for me when I need them.

- 主語:They

- 謂語:are

- 表語:always there for me

- 狀語從句:when I need them,修飾are always there for me,從句中的主語是I,謂語是need,賓語是them

- 副詞:always,修飾there for me

- 介詞短語:there for me,作表語,介詞是for,賓語是me

They support me in everything I do.

- 主語:They

- 謂語:support

- 賓語:me in everything I do

- 介詞短語:in everything I do,修飾me,介詞是in,賓語是everything I do

- 定從句: everything I do, 修飾everything, 從句中的主題是I, 謂題是do

They make me laugh and smile.

- 主題: They

- 謂題: make

- 賓題: me laugh and smile

- 並列句: me laugh and smile, 用and連接兩個不定式作賓補

They give me warmth and comfort.

- 主題: They

- 謂題: give

- 賓題: me warmth and comfort

- 並列句: warmth and comfort, 用and連接兩個名次作賓補

I feel happy when I am with them.

- 主題: I

- 謂題: feel

- 表題: happy

- 狀從句: when I am with them, 修飾feel happy, 從句中的主題是I, 謂題是am, 表題是with them

- 介詞短語: with them, 作表題, 介詞是with, 賓題是them

We often do things together, such as watching movies, playing games, or going out for dinner.

- 主題: We

- 謂題: do

- 賓題: things together

- 狀題: often

- 定語: together, 修飾things

- 並列句: such as watching movies, playing games, or going out for dinner, 用such as引導的例舉短語,修飾things together,用or連接三個動名詞短語作例子

- 動名詞短語: watching movies, playing games, going out for dinner, 主動形式表示被動意義

- 介詞短語: out for dinner, 修飾going, 介詞是for, 賓題是dinner

These are the moments that I cherish the most.

- 主題: These

- 謂題: are

- 表題: the moments that I cherish the most

- 定從句: that I cherish the most, 修飾the moments, 從句中的主題是I, 謂題是cherish, 賓題是the most

- 定語: the, 修飾moments

- 狀語: the most, 修飾cherish

I also feel happy when I learn new things.

- 主題: I

- 謂題: feel

- 表題: happy

- 狀從句: when I learn new things, 修飾feel happy, 從句中的主題是I, 謂題是learn, 賓題是new things

- 副詞: also, 修飾feel

- 定語: new, 修飾things

I like to read books, watch documentaries, and listen to podcasts.

- 主題: I

- 謂題: like

- 賓題: to read books, watch documentaries, and listen to podcasts

- 並列句: to read books, watch documentaries, and listen to podcasts,用and連接三個不定式短語作賓語

- 不定式短語: to read books,主動形式表示被動意義,定語books修飾read

- 不定式短語: to watch documentaries,主動形式表示被動意義,定語documentaries修飾watch

- 不定式短語: to listen to podcasts,主動形式表示被動意義,介詞短語to podcasts修飾listen

I am curious about the world and want to know more about it.

- 主題: I

- 謂題: am curious and want

- 表題: curious about the world

- 賓題: to know more about it

- 並列句: am curious and want,用and連接兩個謂語

- 介詞短語: about the world,修飾curious,介詞是about,賓語是the world

- 不定式短語: to know more about it,主動形式表示被動意義,作want的賓語,介詞短語more about it修飾know

I enjoy learning new facts, skills, and perspectives.

- 主題: I

- 謂題: enjoy

- 賓題: learning new facts, skills, and perspectives

- 動名詞短語: learning new facts, skills, and perspectives,主動形式表示被動意義,作enjoy的賓語,定語new修飾facts和skills,用and連接三個名詞作learning的賓語

Learning makes me feel fulfilled and confident.

- 主題: Learning

- 謂題: makes

- 賓補:me feel fulfilled and confident

- 並列句:me feel fulfilled and confident,用and連接兩個形容詞作feel的賓補

It also helps me to grow as a person.

- 主題:It

- 謂題:helps

- 賓補:me to grow as