let
it
be
1.
就讓它去吧
2.
就這樣吧。
例句:
1.
The
man's
dead.
Can't
they
just
let
it
be?
人都死了他們還不能放過此事嗎?
2.
There's
no
need
to
regulate
the
breath
just
let
it
be
natural.
沒有必要調整它只要自然就可以。
let
it
be
1.
就讓它去吧
2.
就這樣吧。
例句:
1.
The
man's
dead.
Can't
they
just
let
it
be?
人都死了他們還不能放過此事嗎?
2.
There's
no
need
to
regulate
the
breath
just
let
it
be
natural.
沒有必要調整它只要自然就可以。