古詩詞大全網 - 成語經典 - Do you accept the idea of making friends through the internet ? 要求回答所...

Do you accept the idea of making friends through the internet ? 要求回答所...

Yeah,I accept.My reasons are:Internet is a perfect means which we make friends by.Why there're someone oppose making friends through the internet?I think it's mainly because they've ever been cheated by their net friends.Everything has two sides.Only if we keep a common and calm heart to make friends through the internet and don't easily believe the things which we never see;furthermore, don't believe the love between two strange persons, we can make more friends.是的,我同意。我的理由是:網絡是壹種很好的交友工具。為什麽有人反對通過網絡交友呢?我想主要是因為他們曾經被網友欺騙。任何事物都有兩面性。只要我們保持壹顆平常、冷靜的心去接交網友,也不要輕易相信傳聞;更有,不要相信陌生人之間的網戀,我們就可以交到更多的朋友。