古詩詞大全網 - 成語經典 - 五個食物的英文


----水果---- 枇杷=loquat 栗子=chestnut 草莓=strawberry 櫻桃=cherry 無花果=fig 奇異果=kiwi 葡萄=grape 芒果=mango 桃子=peach 柿子= persimmon 梨=pear 檸檬= lemon 橙=orange 橘子=tangerine 蘋果=apple 柚子=grapefruit 香瓜=cantaloupe 香蕉=banana 西瓜=watermelon 木瓜=papaya 鳳梨=pineapple 榴梿=durian ----蔬菜---- 冬蔥=shallot 胡蘿蔔=carrot 青椒=green pepper 茄子=eggplant 南瓜=pumpkin 洋蔥=onion 玉蜀黍=corn 高麗菜=cabbage 蕃薯=sweet potato 芹菜celery 馬鈴薯=potato 大白菜=Chinese cabbage 蕃茄=tomato 白蘿蔔=daikon 萵苣=lettuce 黃瓜=cucumber 花椰菜=cauliflower 牛蒡=burdock 芋頭=taro 碗豆=snow pea 蕪菁=turnip 竹筍=bamboo shoot 蓮藕=lotus root 蘆筍=aragus 香菇=mushroom ----肉類---- 小羊腿 =leg of lamb 熱狗=hot dog 牛肉=beef 貢丸=pork ball 雞肉=chicken 雞腿=drumstick 培根=bacon 香腸=sausage 烤火雞=roast turkey 豬肉=pork 義大利香腸=salami ----海鮮---- 虱目魚=milkfish 鯧魚=pomfret 墨魚=cuttlefish 鮪魚罐=canned tuna 魚片=fish section 龍蝦=lobster 幹貝=scallop 海參=sea cucumber 魚丸=fish ball 旗魚=swordfish 鯽魚=silver carp 蛤蜊=clam 大蝦=prawn 黃魚=yellow croaker 鱈魚片=cod section 石斑魚=grouper ----飲料---- 可樂=cola 有機飲料=anic drinks 咖啡=coffee 冰紅茶=ice tea 啤酒=beer 汽水=soda 礦泉水=mineral-water 杯湯=cup soup 果汁=juice 烈酒=spirits 水果酒=wine 牛奶=milk 綠茶=green tea 豆漿=soybean milk ----乳制品---- 牛油=butter 冰淇淋=ice cream 植物性奶油=margarine 雪糕=Popsicle 鮮奶油=cream 起司=cheese 優格=yoghurt 優酪乳=yoghurt drinking Bacon----------- 腌肉 Biscuits----------餅幹 Bread -----------面包 Butter-----------牛油 Bun -------------包 Chicken ---------雞 Cookies ---------曲奇 Ginger ----------姜 Margarine-------人造牛油 Mutton ---------羊肉 Pie -------------餡餅 (批 ) Beef steak -----牛排

1.beef 2.carrot 3.fish 4.chicken curry 5.watermelon

早餐~ 燒餅 Clay oven rolls 油條 Fried bread stick 韭菜盒 Fried leek dumplings 水餃 Boiled dumplings 蒸餃 Steamed dumplings 饅頭 Steamed buns 割包 Steamed sandwich 飯團 Rice and vegetable roll 蛋餅 Egg cakes 皮蛋 100-year egg 鹹鴨蛋 Salted duck egg 豆漿 Soybean milk 米漿 Rice & peanut milk 飯類~ 稀飯 Rice porridge 白飯 Plain white rice 油飯 Glutinous oil rice 糯米飯 Glutinous rice 鹵肉飯 Braised pork rice 蛋炒飯 Fried rice with egg 地瓜粥 Sweet potato congee 甜點~ 愛玉 Vegetarian gelatin 糖葫蘆 Tomatoes on sticks 長壽桃 Longevity Peaches 芝麻球 Glutinous rice sesameballs 麻花 Hemp flowers 雙包胎 Horse hooves 面類~ 餛飩面 Wonton & noodles 刀削面 Sliced noodles 麻辣面 Spicy hot noodles 麻醬面 Sesame paste noodles 鴨肉面 Duck with noodles 鵝肉面 Goose with noodles 鱔魚面 Eel noodles 烏龍面 Seafood noodles 榨菜肉絲面 Pork

pickled mustard green noodles 蚵仔面線 Oyster thin noodles 板條 Flat noodles 米粉 Rice noodles 炒米粉 Fried rice noodles 冬粉 Green bean noodle 湯類~ 魚丸湯 Fish ball soup 貢丸湯 Meat ball soup 蛋花湯 Egg & vegetable soup 蛤蜊湯 Clams soup 蚵仔湯 Oyster soup 紫菜湯 Seaweed soup 酸辣湯 Sweet & sour soup 餛飩湯 Wonton soup 豬腸湯 Pork intestine soup 肉羹湯 Pork thick soup 花枝湯 Squid soup 花枝羹 Squid thick soup 果汁~ 甘蔗汁 Sugar cane juice 酸梅汁 Plum juice 楊桃汁 Star fruit juice 青草茶 Herb juice 冰類 綿綿冰 Mein mein ice 麥角冰 Oatmeal ice 地瓜冰 Sweet potato ice 紅豆牛奶冰 Red bean with milk ice 八寶冰 Eight treasures ice 豆花 Tofu pudding 其它: 當歸鴨 Angelica duck 點心~ 蚵仔煎 Oyster omelet 棺材板 Coffin 臭豆腐 Stinky tofu 油豆腐 Oily bean curd 麻辣豆腐 Spicy hot bean curd 天婦羅 Tenpura 蝦片 Prawn cracker 蝦球 Shrimp balls 春卷 Spring roos 雞卷 Chicken roos 碗糕 Salty rice pudding 筒仔米糕 Rice tube pudding 紅豆糕 Red bean cake 綠豆糕 Bean paste cake 豬血糕 Pigs blood cake 糯米糕 Glutinous rice cakes 蘿蔔糕 Fried white radish patty 芋頭糕 Taro cake 肉圓 Taiwanese Meatballs 水晶餃 Pyramid dumplings 肉丸 Rice-meat dumplings 豆幹 Dried tofu 因為字數的關系還有很多的小吃英文麻煩大大到以下這個網址查看。 crosslee.idv/~leelient/essay/essay2004

1.beef 2.carrots 3.melon 4.spaghetti 5.ham 2011-04-19 18:43:11 補充: EASY!