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“這段話的中文翻譯”的英文翻譯。These words Chinese meaning
This kind of keyboard instrument was used from the early 15th century to the 19th century. In recent years, it has resumed its usage mainly for playing the early period music.
這段話的英文翻譯是什麽?love you,because you are the best in my heart
choose you,because I want to hear your words sincerely
marry you,because you are mine all the life
妳想知道我什麽英文翻譯what do you want to know about me
The most beautiful sound in the world is the "I love you" that you whisper into my ears, resting on my side.
希望對妳有幫助 :-)
求這段話的英文翻譯(不要機器)Applicants are to agree with the activity rules by default. If any aident ours during activity the anizer is to offer assistance as his capacity allows, but not to undertake any responsibility.
請問英文翻譯下面這段話該怎麽翻譯The pain you speaking out already calmed down
The pain you hiding in alway break you heart