這段路爬起來真的頗辛苦,也花了20~30分鐘。 主教山小堂建築端麗,環境優美
有山有海,還有美麗的教堂,吸引不少新人來到這裏拍照婚紗相.果然是適合拍婚紗的絕佳景點! 主教山小堂是澳門很好的瞭望點
可以讓遊客眺望澳門的景色 從這裏可以看到整個澳門旅遊塔與西灣大橋
不少人在此拍到美麗的照片! 英文:Bishop Hill Chapel is located in Macau Penha Hill Catholic Church
there are A-Ma Temple
Tower neighborhood
Next to the A-Ma Temple uphill all the way
this section is really quite hard to get up
but also spent 20 to 30 minutes. Bishop Hill Chapel building Duan Li
a beautiful environment
Saturday and Sunday there will be a lot of visitors
There are mountains and sea
as well as beautiful churches
attracting many newers e here to take pictures of the dress. Really is a great attraction for wedding photos! Bishop Hill Chapel is a good vantage point in Macau
which has many observation deck allows visitors have views of Macau From here you can see the entire Macau Tower and Sai Van Bridge
because of the higher terrain
you can watch the sunset
At night to see the beautiful night view of Macau
Mid-Autumn Festival this year
fireworks can be seen here
Many people here take beautiful photos!
參考: trlate.google/#zh-CN/en/
Igreja Da Penha is on top of a hill
a 20-30 minutes walk up. From there you can see the bay of Macau
the Macua Tower
bridges and many landmarks. You can enjoy sunset and night views from this ventage point or watch the fireworks of the mid-autumn festival.
參考: 咁長又點可能簡單...唯有簡述