Carpenters的成名曲。Carpenters不是這首歌的原唱,Dionne Warwick和Dusty Springfield都演唱過這首歌,但始終沒有走紅。 Richard舒緩的改編突出了溫暖的 小號獨奏和柔潤的加利福尼亞式和聲的渲染。原作者Burt Bacharach說:“我認為理查德真正抓住了這首歌的精華。”事實證明了這壹點:在過去40年所有發行過的Bacharach 歌曲幾百個版本中,唯有這壹首取得冠軍寶座。 《Close To You》為Carpenters贏得兩項格萊美獎:最佳年度新人獎和最佳時代組合歌手獎。
這個機會,對於木匠兄妹來說,當然是求之不得的,於是立刻進行編曲的工作。這時,赫伯亞柏特前來找理查,建議他采用柏特拜克拉發表於1963年的壹首“They?Long?to?Be?Close?to?You”。柏特拜克拉曾經希望他錄制這首歌曲,不過赫伯亞柏特覺得歌詞當中的某壹句對他自己而言,似乎顯得太“年輕”了壹點,所以始終沒有予以灌錄。他並且提到,Dionne?Warwick/狄昂華薇克曾經錄制過這首歌曲,但是他希望理查暫時不要理會別人是怎麽唱的,等到他想好自己要如何的詮釋,再去聽華薇克當初的錄音版本。 雖然這首歌由於和理查已經挑好的其他作品不太搭得上,所以最後他的混和曲裏面並沒有采用這首歌曲。但是,理查卻愛上了它,對於它的旋律始終念念不忘,於是當木匠兄妹進行第二張專輯的時候,他就拉著妹妹,壹起進入錄音室,灌錄了這首歌。而由於他覺得原來的歌名“They?Long?to?Be?Close?to?You”太長了,所以他就予以簡化,把前面的四個單字加上括弧,簡稱為“Close?to?You”。錄音完成之後,赫伯亞柏特問理查,自己認為市場對這首歌會有什麽樣的反應。理查的回答是,如果它沒有得到冠軍,也將是A&M成立以來最暢銷的作品。
why do birds suddenly appear
every time you are near?
just like me, they long to be
close to you.
why do stars fall down from the sky
every time you walk by?
just like me, they long to be
close to you.
on the day that you were born
the angels got together
and decided to create a dream come true
so they sprinkled moon dust in your hair
of gold
and starlight in your eyes of blue.
that is why all the girls in town
follow you all around.
just like me, they long to be
close to you.
on the day that you were born
the angels got together
and decided to create a dream come true
so they sprinkled moon dust in your hair
of gold
and starlight in your eyes of blue.
that is why all the girls in town
follow you all around.
just like me, they long to be
close to you.
close to you.
hahhhhhhhhhhh, close to you.
hahhhhhhhhhhh, close to you.
hahhhhhhhhhhh, close to you.
hahhhhhhhhhhh, close to you.