Part of Me —— Katy Perry Days like this I want to drive away 像這樣的日子我想開著車離開 Pack my bags and watch your shadow fade 整理我的行李,看著妳褪色的影子 'Cause you chewed me up and spit me out 因為妳嚼碎了我,又給我吐了出來 Like I was poison in your mouth 感覺我就像是妳嘴中的毒藥 You took my light, you drained me down 妳帶走了我的光,妳榨幹了我 That was then and this is now 此壹時,彼壹時 Now look at me 現在看著我 /bleaklove This is the part of me that you're never gonna ever take away from me, no 這就是我的壹部分,妳永遠無法把他們從我身上帶走,不能 This is the part of me that you're never gonna ever take away from me, no 這就是我的壹部分,妳永遠無法把他們從我身上帶走,不能 Those sticks and stones fill your body and boots 妳是個草包(嗯。領會就好) But you're not gonna break my soul 只有這樣妳才不會傷我的心 This is the part of me that you're never gonna ever take away from me, no 這就是我的壹部分,妳永遠無法把他們從我身上帶走,不能 I just wanna throw my phone away 我只想把我的電話扔得遠遠的 Find out who is really there for me 找出是誰在那裏等著我 'Cause you ripped me off, your love was cheap 因為妳掠奪我,妳的愛十分廉價 Was always tearing at the seams 它總是在撕裂傷口 I fell deep and you let me drown 我感覺自己掉下得太深,妳卻任由我墮落 /bleaklove But that was then and this is now 但此壹時彼壹時 Now look at me 現在看著我 This is the part of me that you're never gonna ever take away from me, no 這就是我的壹部分,妳永遠無法把他們從我身上帶走,不能 This is the part of me that you're never gonna ever take away from me, no 這就是我的壹部分,妳永遠無法把他們從我身上帶走,不能 Those sticks and stones fill your body and boots 妳是個草包 But you're not gonna break my soul 只有這樣妳才不會傷我的心 This is the part of me that you're never gonna ever take away from me, no 這就是我的壹部分,妳永遠無法把他們從我身上帶走,不能 Now look at me, I'm sparkling 現在看著我,我正在說話 A firework, a dancing flame 壹個煙火,壹個起舞的火焰 You won't ever put me out again 妳是不可能幫我熄滅的 I'm glowing, oh woah oh 我開始燃燒,哦哇哦 You can keep the dog from me 妳會讓狗遠離我 I never liked him anyway 我卻永遠不會像它壹樣 In fact you can keep everything 實際上妳能讓任何東西遠離 Yeah, yeah 耶,耶 Except for me 剛剛錯了,度娘找錯了,對不起哈,這個是。