古詩詞大全網 - 成語解釋 - be widely known 和 be known widely 有區別嗎

be widely known 和 be known widely 有區別嗎

be widely known 指的是舉世***知;大名鼎鼎;盛傳;

be widely known 和 be known widely 沒有區別,都是正確的,




to be widely known 家喻戶曉

to be widely known as 著稱


1.This use of MathPlayer to get Internet Explorer to render application/ xhtml+xml documents should be more widely known, since it's useful even if there is no mathematics in the document.

這種用MathPlayer來讓Internet Explorer呈現application/xhtml+xml文檔的做法應該得到推廣,因為即使文檔中沒有數學表達式,也很有用。

2.Managers who fail to understand this-or who fail to do something about it-aredoomed to be burdened with a workforce that religiously observes the less widelyknown 11th Commandment: Thou Shalt Not Bother.


3.Be do grateful to success, because it make widely your s of life known!
