古詩詞大全網 - 成語解釋 - E-40的catch a fade的歌詞謝謝啊如題 謝謝了

E-40的catch a fade的歌詞謝謝啊如題 謝謝了

[Hook: Kendrick Lamar×E-40] 有什麽話就直截了當的說 Jumping off the front porch with a new approach 別給我支支吾吾拐彎抹角的 Don’t approach me with the bullshit 就如同清道夫壹般我拿起掃帚當武器(Kendrick比喻自己管轄著街區) I remote to a location where the broom sit 工作日的時候將街區好好清理 如果土鱉們賴著不走 Here I go street sweeper Monday to Friday, if not go 那就讓我們來壹場男人的較量 We can catch a fade, catch a fade, catch a fade 是的,沒錯,不服就單挑呀 Catch a fade, catch a fade, catch a fade, catch a fade [Verse 1: Kendrick Lamar] 我雷厲風行膽大心細 Pulling up and hopping out 明人不做暗事 shell, catch it poppin out 從來不像張三那樣遇事兒就慌張 And I ain’t never been a Tom or Jerry 或是李四那樣在背後戳人的脊梁 Pussy or a Rat,pussy on my nutsack 刺了很多肯尼的紋身之後我日進鬥金(Kenny是南方公園的人物,每壹話都掛了,這裏Kenny tats指代Kendrick的紋身多半源於他死去的兄弟,他們激發了自己努力拼搏奮鬥,Feddi是money的另壹術語) Carry plenty Kenny tats give me that give me plenty Feddi 聯邦軍隊來剿我的話結局都是全部乖乖躺在墓地 Federales on my back, pack them in the cemetery 給我報信的家夥已經被我修理(兩軍交戰,不殺信使,是規矩,Kendrick說自己忍不住修理了來通風報信的家夥,是因為他實在是被對方的行為激怒了以至於失去了理智[這句釋義要聯系後兩句歌詞,所以麻煩後期做的時候時間留到so I piss off rooftops]) Send a scary hit out on your messenger 我當時真是不理智會為此大動幹戈 Im ignorant to wrestle a gorilla in the center of a acura intergera 肯定是我太生氣了,絕對的 Pissed off, so I piss off rooftops 就連喝了點小酒都會把礙事的小保安給揍了(Drinking through a straw用吸管喝酒,意思容易醉,容易發怒) Drinking through a straw, fuck a rental cop 我是當紅炸子雞我是凝固汽油彈 就得是這樣的beat才能讓我火力全開 I’m hot I’m napalm when the beat slap like eight palms 在機場過安檢時警報響起我以為是我的鉆石珠寶什麽的惹的禍 And I wear eight charms, every airport alarm 結果不是。但這些混蛋為什麽還是摁住了我? Go off till they tackle me, what I do wrong? 他們說:“老兄妳太炸了所以得給妳特殊照顧”(這裏用bomb來指代Kendrick暗示自己將會在hiphop圈子壹鳴驚人,怕有些老家夥們對他倍加提防) Nigga it ain’t bout the chain, nigga you the fucking bomb 把壹個混蛋揍成壹個混蛋 Bomb on a bitch nigga then his bitch later 就像我給服務員小費壹樣自然簡單 Put the tips on the bitch, nigga you a fucking waiter 我缺的不是尊重,而是和大牌們壹樣平等的機會 I don’t even wanna favor I just want a fair one 就像檢察官給每個人稱述的機會不管妳幾歲(不管妳幾歲是譯者思想植入,只是為了押韻) And it’s like that till the sheriffs come [Hook: Kendrick Lamar×E-40] 有什麽話就直截了當的說 Jumping off the front porch with a new approach 別給我支支吾吾拐彎抹角的 Don’t approach me with the bullshit 就如同清道夫壹般我拿起掃帚當武器(Kendrick比喻自己管轄著街區) I remote to a location where the broom sit 工作日的時候將街區好好清理 如果土鱉們賴著不走 Here I go street sweeper Monday to Friday, if not go 那就讓我們來壹場男人的較量 We can catch a fade, catch a fade, catch a fade 是的,沒錯,不服就單挑呀 Catch a fade, catch a fade, catch a fade, catch a fade [Verse 2: Droop-E] (Droop-E,E-40的兒子,出身說唱世家,深受叔父兄長的影響,曾用藝名Lil E) 看看,事實勝於雄辯 Look, problems we solve them, bout that action 缺貨們正壹個壹個減少 One less sucker nigga, that’s some traction 跟我壹起的人,都不分貴賤 His boss is, factors on the team 個頂個都是春哥壹般的純爺們兒 Real niggas, no actors on the team 像我Droop壹樣,絕世好男人 Not you, who Droop, he a good dude 不過把我惹毛了只怕妳吃不了兜著走 Put him in a bad mood, turn you into goon food 就像在派對壹樣,我大小通吃(這句歌詞是crossrap了Mac Dre歌曲《Feelin Myseif》中的“Im in the buildin and Im feelin myselffff”壹句) I’m in the party, feeling like me S-I-C-K,還有我Droop-E(Sick是Droop-E所屬廠牌Sick Wid It Records的簡稱) S-I-C-K, with TDE 妳的馬子好久沒有爽壹爽了嗎? Your bitch want sex and my ear like wax 那就讓她準備好迎接巫山雲雨吧 And this ? got her ready to get it hit from the back 她真的是豐乳肥臀(daps是壹種兩人握拳相互輕碰的歡慶手勢) She shows up chump, salute give daps 揍扁妳的臉,妳不幹 Get your face flat, you don’t want that 打歪妳的鼻子,妳也不樂意 Get your nose tapped, you don’t want that 別因為我上了妳的馬子妳不識趣來找茬最後死的很難看 Get your life fucked up all over a batch 不然我會像理發師壹樣拿刀削妳腦袋 Get cropped, get chopped, all over your head like a barber shop 最後把妳的頭扔在停車場 Have it out in the parking lot [Hook: Kendrick Lamar×E-40] 有什麽話就直截了當的說 Jumping off the front porch with a new approach 別給我支支吾吾拐彎抹角的 Don’t approach me with the bullshit 就如同清道夫壹般我拿起掃帚當武器(Kendrick比喻自己管轄著街區) I remote to a location where the broom sit 工作日的時候將街區好好清理 如果土鱉們賴著不走 Here I go street sweeper Monday to Friday, if not go 那就讓我們來壹場男人的較量 We can catch a fade, catch a fade, catch a fade 是的,沒錯,不服就單挑呀 Catch a fade, catch a fade, catch a fade, catch a fade [Verse 3: E-40] 繼續燥著怎麽樣? Stay turned, super charged up ? 哥已不混跡江湖,但江湖依然有哥的傳說 Ghetto past, never revoke 寶刀未老的E-40依然這麽牛叉 Mouthpiece faster than a speedboat 就像壹百美元又稱為壹百美刀(這句很不好翻譯,是E-40的文字遊戲,即和發音有關的詞匯簡稱) Keep it one hundred like a C-note? 讓條子們去猜我們倒地說的什麽吧 Po-po tryna decode lingo? 沒有喝大但我就喜歡找麻煩 Not drunk but I’m finna be hella twisted 我早就長大了不是嗎?(長大的男孩子尿尿時都要擡起馬桶圈) Lifted like a toilet seat, grown ass kid 我的馬子總說我壹無是處 My bitch always telling me, I ain’t shit 但她愛我的大屌 She hate me, but she love my dick 我也撈偏門,也寫幾首歌去賣(Trapper:指街頭負責賣貨兼把風的人。factor:指負責各種運作操控。這裏指E-40依舊在從事常見的街頭勾當) Trapper factor ? having money like a rapper 偶爾也收拾幾個管不好自己嘴巴的人 Bumping local talent pulling up with the blabber 總有些外來不懂行情的人見不得我腰纏萬貫 Patna wanna challenge cause my pockets hella fatter 但和我作對絕對沒有好下場(為了押韻,用迷信說法中的從立著的梯子下經過就會倒黴壹梗) But he gone be unlucky like walking under a ladder 要來找事兒的就像個男人壹樣自己出來敢作敢當,別拉幫結夥的 Put hands on a man, fuck unity 其實我們之間也沒什麽,但妳生不逢時呀 There’s nothing between us, but space and opportunity 別整天唯唯諾諾的,壹看就知道妳慫 Never been a sucker, never been a lame 好好跟家呆著妳就看不到我風生水起了 Stay in your lane you can’t see me like a stealth plane [Hook: Kendrick Lamar×E-40] 有什麽話就直截了當的說 Jumping off the front porch with a new approach 別給我支支吾吾拐彎抹角的 Don’t approach me with the bullshit 就如同清道夫壹般我拿起掃帚當武器(Kendrick比喻自己管轄著街區) I remote to a location where the broom sit 工作日的時候將街區好好清理 如果土鱉們賴著不走 Here I go street sweeper Monday to Friday, if not go 那就讓我們來壹場男人的較量 We can catch a fade, catch a fade, catch a fade 是的,沒錯,不服就單挑呀 Catch a fade, catch a fade, catch a fade, catch a fade [Outro] 妳從哪兒來的?Droop-E 西海岸 Where you from Droop-E? (The West) 妳從哪裏來的?Kendrick 也是西海岸 Where you from Kendrick? (The West) 那麽40妳又是從什麽地方來的? 必須是西海岸 Aye 40 where you from though? (The West) 誰讓這些超級屌的東西登堂入室的? 那絕逼是西海岸 Who bring it to their front door? (The West) 真正的較量來自哪裏? 那還是西海岸咯 And where they get their game from? (The West) 那些牛逼的口頭禪臟口來自什麽地方呢? 西邊的海岸 And where they get their slang from? (The West) 又是誰給他們打了雞血? 西海岸唄 And where they get their strength from? (The West) 最牛逼的歌手來自什麽地方呢? 西海岸毫無疑問 And where they get their greats from? (The West)