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畢生致力於材料科學研究事業。他在高溫材料制備科學與機理、氮化物與氧化物等系統的熱力學與動力學研究、高性能材料設計與微觀結構控制以及陶瓷基復合材料的研究等諸方面做出了開創性的工作,在高性能無機材料的基礎研究和應用研究方面成就卓著,是中國無機材料科學的奠基人。他是精細陶瓷、納米材料科學等國家重大研究項目的首席科學家,並與國外建立了廣泛的研究合作關系,他領導研制生產的鍺酸鉍(BGO)大單晶被歐洲核子中心選用,其質量、數量與性能均居世界第壹。 1?黃振坤、林祖、嚴東生,Re2O3-TiO2系統的相平衡和晶體化學研究,Re2O3-TiO2(Re=La,Nd,Gd,Ho,Yb)系統的相平衡關系,矽酸鹽學報,1979,7(1):1~10。

2?D?S?Yan,Progress of Inorganic Materials Research:Structure?Property Relationships of Inorganic Materials Viewed from Different Microstructural Levels,Invited Lecture at the 1978 Annual Meeting of the Chinese Chemical Society,Proceedings of the Chinese Chemical Society,1980.

3?D?S?Yan,Fabrication of Some Ceramic Materials and Their Performance in Energy Conversion Simulation Systems,Proceedings of CIMTEC IV,Saint Vancent,Italy(1979),Published in 1980.

4?D?S?Yan,Studies on the Systems of Rare Earth Sesquioxides?BeO,Presented at the 82nd Annual Meeting of the American Ceramic Society,April 27~30,1980.

5?D?S?Yan,Structural Model of the Melt in the Systems of Rare Earth Sesquioxides?BeO,Presented at the 82nd Annual Meeting of the American Ceramic Society,April 27~30,1980.

6?D?S?Yan,Progress of Ceramic Research in the Shanghai Institute of Ceramics,Academia Sinica?Ceramics International,1981,7:111.

7?D?S?Yan,The Application of Thermal Conductivity and Thermal Diffusivity Measurements in the Study of Microstructure and Phase Transformation of Inorganic Materials,Presented at the 17th International Symposium on Thermal Conductivity,and Published in Its Proceedings,1981.

8?D?S?Yan,The Scientific and Technological Developments in Ancient Chinese Pottery and Porcelain,Presented at the International Conference on Ancient Chinese Pottery and Porcelain,1982(Appears in Its Proceedings).


10?D?S?Yan,Introduction to Modern Functional Materials,Science Press,1983.

11?D?S?Yan,Preparation of Some High Purity Ultrafine Non?Oxide Powders,Proceedings of CIMTECV,Ceramic Powder,Elsevier Scientific Pub?Co?,1983,403.

12?T?G?Xi and D?S?Yan,The Relationship of Thermal Conductivity Behavior of Hot?pressed Silicon Nitride with Its Processing and Microstructure,Trans?J?Brit?Ceram?Soc.,1983,82:175~177.

13?D?S?Yan,Phase Equilibrium in the Systems of Rare Earth Sesquioxide?Beryllium Oxide,J?Amer?Ceram?Soc.,1983,66:860.

14?D?S?Yan,Microstructure and Properties of Post?Sintered RBSN Containing YAG as Grain Boundary Phase,Presented at International Symposium on Ceramic Components for Engine,Hakone,Japan,Oct?1983,17~21,(Appeared in the Proceedings),Eds?S?Somiya,et al?,KTK Scien?Publishers,1984,368.


16?D?S?Yan,An Overview of Chinese Research on Processing,Microstructure and Properties of New Ceramic Materials,Proceedings of the lst Chinese US Seminar on Microstructure and Properties of Ceramic Materials,Eds?T?S?Yen and J?A?Pask?Science Press,1984,1.

17?D?S?Yan,Sintering and Microstructural Features of Some Fine Silicon Nitride Powders by Different Preparatory Methods,Ibid,156.

18?D?S?Yan,Phase Equilibrium Studies in Si2N2O-Containing Systems:I?Phase Relations in the Si2N2O-Al2O3-Y2O3 System,Int?J?High Technology Ceramics,1985,1:119.

19?D?S?Yan,Phase Equilibrium Studies in Si2N2O-Containing Systems:Ⅱ?Phase Relations in the Si2N2O-Al2O3-La2O3 and Si2N2O-Al2O3-CaO Systems,Ibid,1986,2:115.

20?D?S?Yan,Transmission Electron Microscopic Observation of the Martensitic Phase Transformations in Tetragonal ZrO2,J?Am?Cer?Soc?,1986,69:570~572.

21?D?S?Yan,Hot?pressed Silicon Nitride Ceramics with High Fracture Toughness at Elevated Temperatures,Presented at Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Ceramic Materials and Components for Egines,Verlag Deutsche Keramische Gesellscharft,1986,729.

22?D?S?Yan,High Temperature Structural Ceramics Development for Engine in the Chinese Academy of Sciences,Ibid,209.

23?D?S?Yan,Overview of Structural Ceramics Research in the Chinese Academy of Sciences,Presented at Joint China?France Symposium on Materials Research,Shanghai,China,1986.

24?D?S?Yan,High Performance Nitride Materials Research in Chinese Academy of Sciences,Mater?Res?Bull?,1987,22:1249.

25?D?S?Yan,Critical Review and Revision of SiAl-Y-O-N System and Compositional Design of Nitride Ceramics,Presented at US?China Symposium on Advanced Ceramic Materials,NBS,Gaitherburg,Maryland,1987.

26?D?S?Yan,Creep Behavior of Hot?pressed Silicon Nitride Ceramics with Rare Oxides and Alumina Additives,Presented at the International Conference on Electronic Structure and Phase Stability in Advanced Ceramics,Argonne National Lab?,1987.

27?D?S?Yan,Compositional Design of Nitride Ceramics for Advanced Performance,Invited Lecture,MRS International Meeting,Tokyo,May,1988.