Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed 幸運我們停留在這個地方
Lucky to be coming home someday 幸運某天回到家
Do you hear me, 妳能聽到嗎
I'm talking to you 我在對妳講話
Across the water across the deep blue ocean 越過深藍色海洋
Under the open sky, oh my, baby I'm trying 在廣闊的天空下,我的寶貝,我正在嘗試
Boy I hear you in my dreams 我在睡夢中聽到妳的聲音
I feel your whisper across the sea 妳的低吟越過海洋到達我的耳邊
I keep you with me in my heart 我的心中壹直在想念妳
You make it easier when life gets hard 是妳讓枯燥的生活變得快樂
I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend 我很幸運我愛上了我最好的朋友
Lucky to have been where I have been 幸運我所經歷過的壹切
Lucky to be coming home again 幸運又能回到家
Ooohh ooooh oooh oooh ooh ooh ooh ooh 哦~~~~~~~~~~~~
They don't know how long it takes 他們不知道過了多久
Waiting for a love like this 等待這樣的愛
Every time we say goodbye 每次我們說再見
I wish we had one more kiss 我都希望能再來壹個吻
I'll wait for you I promise you, I will 我向妳保證會等妳,壹定
I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend 我很幸運我愛上了我最好的朋友
Lucky to have been where I have been 幸運我所經歷過的壹切
Lucky to be coming home again 幸運又能回到家
Lucky we're in love every way 幸運我們相愛
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed 幸運我們所停留的地方
Lucky to be coming home someday 幸運某天回到家
And so I'm sailing through the sea 我在大海上揚帆
To an island where we'll meet 去我們約定相見的壹個海島
You'll hear the music fill the air 妳會聽見那飄蕩在空中的音樂
I'll put a flower in your hair 我會在妳頭上插上壹朵花
Though the breezes through trees 微風掠過樹梢
Move so pretty you're all I see 妳在我眼中是如此可愛
As the world keeps spinning round 以至於整個世界都在旋轉
You hold me right here right now 這壹刻妳緊緊抱住我
I'm lucky I'm in love with my best friend 我很幸運我愛上了我最好的朋友
Lucky to have been where I have been 幸運我所經歷過的壹切
Lucky to be coming home again 幸運又能回到家
Lucky we're in love every way 幸運我們相愛
Lucky to have stayed where we have stayed 幸運我們所停留的地方
Lucky to be coming home someday 幸運某天回到家