influence n. 1. 影響,作用[C][U][(+on/upon)] The influence of climate on crops are self-evident. 氣候對農作物的影響是不證自明的。 2. 影響力;勢力,權勢[U][(+over/with)] Mr. Smith is a man of influence in this town. 史密斯先生是這個鎮上有權勢的人物。 3. 有影響的人(或事物);有權勢者[C][(for/on)] vt. 1. 影響,感化;左右[O2] I don't want to influence you. You must decide for yourself. 我不想影響妳。妳必須自行決定。 effect n. 1. 結果[C][U][(+on/upon)] 2. 效果,效力;作用;影響[C][U][(+on/upon)] This had a great effect upon the future of both mother and son. 這對母子倆的將來影響很大。 3. 要旨,意義[the S] I said a few words to the effect that all he had told us was already well known. 我說了幾句話,大意是他所告訴我們的壹切早已為人熟知。 4. (法律的)效力,產生效力[U] 5. (色彩,聲音等產生的)印象;效果[C][P1] 6. 財產,動產[P] vt. 1. 造成;產生;招致 Rose tried to effect a reconciliation. 羅絲試圖進行調解。 2. 實現,達到(目的) He effected several important changes. 他完成了幾項重要的改革。