吉米手持奢侈錦囊在後邊,如果妳細聽,妳能聽到他哭了,老天啊,上帝知道。我們都屬於低下階層的啊。唱 老天啊,上帝知道,我們都屬於下層階級啦,下層階級。。。。。。
Judy's in the front seat picking up trash,Living on the dough,Gotta make that cash,Won't be prettyWon't be sweet,She's just sittin' here on her feet,Sing it
Oh Lord, heaven knows,We belong way down below,Go,Oh Lord, heaven knows,We belong way down below,Sing,Oh Lord, tell us so,We belong way down below,Oh Lord, tell us soWe belong way down below,Way down below, way down below,Way down below, way down below,I've had better days, man,I've seen better days,I've had better ways, man,I know better ways
哦主,神知道,我們屬於下層階級,,哦 主,天堂知道,
one two three four,The devil's knocking at your door,Caught in the eye of a dead man's lie, Show you life with your head held high.
1234,魔鬼在扣門, 要看看是誰至死也在說謊言. 挺起妳的胸膛告訴那魔鬼妳問心無愧.
Now you're on your knees,With your head hung low,Big man tells you where to go
Tell 'em it's good,Don't do a goddamn thing they say.
現在妳垂頭喪氣, 被那所謂的大人物亂差使. 妳要告訴他們妳很好, 不要再去忍受聽從他們的指示.
望采納 !!!! 人工翻譯的