古詩詞大全網 - 成語查詢 - 壹日壹詞:掉頭U-TURN




1.?英英釋義:a complete change of?ideas,?plans?etc?

例句:In the past two years, the local government has been utterly inconsistent with its policies, making various?U-turns.?

2. 為什麽選這個詞??

“U-turn”是可數名詞,本意是“掉頭、轉彎”,可以引申為“改變”。開車時“掉頭”的英文就是 make a U-turn,所以這個詞壹點都不難記。U-turn 的引申義“改變”相比 change 更強調改變的徹底性,因此是個非常形象、準確的單詞。雖然這個詞看起來有點不正式,但在口語和壹般的寫作中都可以使用。我們來看幾個例子。?


In the past two years, the local government has been utterly inconsistent with its policies, making various? U-turns .


If you want to be a respected leader, you had better avoid making too many? U-turns ?when making decisions.

不少人批評這個歐洲政府在移民政策問題上出爾反爾, 可以這麽寫:?

Many critics accuse the European government of doing a sudden? U-turn ?on its promise to take in more immigrants.

《經濟學人》在說到變化時常會用 U-turn,比如下面這兩句:?

1) Earlier this year, AMD forced Intel to make a? U-turn ?in its 64-bit-chip strategy.

2) A year later, following the collapse of Lehman Brothers, the markets made a? U- turn .

3. 怎樣學會使用這個詞??


他的觀點發生了 180° 大轉彎,決定和前妻復婚。 (時態:現在完成時,復婚remarry his ex-wife/ divorced wife)

He has made a U-turn and decided to remarry his ex-wife. ?

He has made a U-turn and decided to remarry his divorced wife.?

He has made a U-turn, deciding to remarry his ex-wife.?


例1:To challenge the status quo , the businessman made a sudden U-turn on his marketing strategy. 串聯每日壹詞

例2:Critics accuse the financial management firm of doing a quick U-turn on its promise to increase investments. 仿寫例句

例3:Since the onset of rising refugee population, the host community has made an embarrassing political U-turn on its humanitarian policy. ?串聯每日壹詞


釋義: mainly?disapproving ?a complete change?from one opinion?or plan?of action?to an opposite?one

搭配:make/ do/ complete a sudden/quick /complete U-turn on sth

various/ many U-turns


Many critics accuse the European government of doing a sudden? U-turn ?on its promise to take in more immigrants.

In the past two years, the local government has been utterly inconsistent with its policies, making various? U-turns .