古詩詞大全網 - 成語查詢 - 翻譯下這篇英語文章,完了就給采納


Friends Reunited is a website where you find and make friends. It bring together-that is, reunites-old friends, or people who used to be friends, but have not seen each other for a long time. on its homepage, you easily notice the slogan of the website: "discover, collect and share".

朋友團聚是壹個網站, 妳可以在那裏找到和交朋友。它將人們團聚壹起 - 即: 讓老朋友, 或曾經,但相互間已經很長時間沒有見面的朋友團聚。 在它的主頁上,妳很容易留意到網站的口號:“發現、收集和分享”。