古詩詞大全網 - 成語查詢 - custom怎麽讀



custom的讀音是:英['k_st_m]。custom的詞語用法是n.(名詞)custom的基本意思是“風俗,習慣,慣例”,指壹個團體或社會長期以來形成的傳統,也可指個人的習慣,有單復數形式,用於泛指時多用單數; 表示某種習俗時可加不定冠詞a,指各種風俗習慣時也可用復數。custom的意思是n.習慣;風俗;慣例;adj.(復)Customs: 海關;關稅。



Noun:accepted or habitual practice

a specific practice of long standing

money collected under a tariff

habitual patronage;"I have given this tailor my custom for many years"

Adjective:made according to the specifications of an individual


1. 常規:個高級的編程環境(Visual Basic for Application)和對自動化的支持(以前的OLE自動化).數據Access對象(DAO)和ODBC Direct . DAO是壹個開發者可用來建立數據獲取方案的常規(custom)環境.

2. 海關:(空櫃還場也叫返空櫃的話要交納返空費,船公司(company)不同費用不同)7、報關:拖車壹過閘, 海關(Custom) 的系統上有顯示過閘,就可以開始報關了. 快的話半天就可以報出來,慢的話要等上壹天. 如果運氣不好碰到查櫃,貨沒問題查的快點,


The custom has now become a rule.


It is my custom to go for a walk before breakfast.


Custom rules the law.


The custom prevails over the whole area.


This custom was abrogated years ago.


It took us only a few minutes to get through the Customs.


Exit does not need to meet custom duty.


I pay $20 in custom on the $100 swiss watch.


Please enter a name for the custom controller.



用作名詞(n.)Social customs are greatly different from country to country.

各個國家的社會風俗很不相同。Custom has a great influence on his behaviour.

習俗對他的行為舉止影響很大。The celebration of Christmas is a custom.

慶祝聖誕節是壹種習俗。You must conform yourself to the custom of the land.

妳必須遵從這個國家的習俗。The work glances at the customs of ancient cultures.

該著作述及古代文化的習俗。I think these interesting old customs should be preserved.

我認為這些有趣的舊習俗應該保留下來。It was Tom's custom to get up early and go for a walk before breakfast.

湯姆習慣早起床,並在早餐前散步。Eating hot dogs is an American custom.

吃熱狗是美國人的壹種習慣。It is my custom to go to France for my holiday.

我習慣於到法國度假。It is the custom of foreigners to do so.

這樣做法是外國人的習慣。The custom has now become a rule.

那種習慣現已變為常規。Low prices draw custom.

低價格吸引顧客。We've lost a lot of custom since our prices went up.

自從提價以後,我們失去了許多顧客。It took us only four minutes to get through the Customs.

我們用4分鐘的時間通過了海關。She is seeing her baggage through customs at the airport.

她正在機場辦理行李過關的手續。We had to pay customs on the camera equipment we bought abroad.

我們在國外買的攝影器材要付關稅。I followed her into the Customs Building.

我跟著她進了海關大樓。The Customs formalities are simple.

海關檢查手續很簡單。The Customs have found heroin hidden in freight.


The English custom which keeps the men in the dining-room after dinner.

出自:N. MitfordIndividuals..who are not paid but by custom are supplied with drinks.

出自:R. HoggartIt was his custom, when unpleasant things had to be said, to sweeten his breath.

出自:I. FlemingThe eyes of a nightbird customed to the splash of the sea.

出自:E. Smither七、詞義辨析

n.(名詞)custom, convention, tradition這組詞都可表示“慣例,傳統”。tradition強調歷史上的意義,因長久奉行而幾乎具有法律效力的習慣方式; convention主要指公認的社會規則和得體的禮儀; custom指某社會或民族的慣常行為規範。custom, habit這兩個詞都有“習慣,習俗,風俗”的意思。其區別是:1.custom指群體經過壹段時期不斷沿用而變成的習慣或慣例; habit指某個人反復地做某種動作,久而久之形成的自然習慣或習性,行動時不用思索。例如:This custom is on the decline.這種風俗漸漸消失。He has the irritating habit of smoking during meals.他有邊吃飯邊抽煙那讓人討厭的習慣。2.custom有時也指個人習慣,這時與habit的區別是:habit常指不好的習慣,而custom則常指良好的習慣。例如:It is his custom to take a cold bath every morning.他每天早晨有洗冷水澡的習慣。He has a habit of biting his lips when he is puzzled.他感到困惑時有咬嘴唇的習慣。habit,practice,custom,convention這組名詞壹般含義為“習慣”。habit指個人的“習慣”,通常用於表示做事、思考問題或行為舉止的不自覺的方式方法。practice既可表示個人的也可表示社會的“習慣”,這種“習慣”從性質上看是壹種反復不斷的或是有選擇性的行為或者方法。custom具有 habit 和 practice 的壹切含義,此外,custom 還包含這樣壹層意思:長期而廣泛采用的行為或方法,即風俗習慣,按照某地區人們***同生活及其行為的準則或規範,它不僅有指導意義,而且具有必須遵循的意義。convention其實是其他3個詞的近義詞,它的含義為:固定的或公眾壹致承認的行事或表達思想的方法。custom的相關近義詞



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