古詩詞大全網 - 成語查詢 - kelly怎麽讀



例句:1、Kelly has two formal dresses.Kelly有兩件正裝。

2、Kelly is the top student in my class.Kelly是我們班成績最好的學生。

3、Kelly is really smart. She's ahead of all the other students in her class.Kelly真的很聰明。她在班上名列前茅。

4、Kelly is more street-savvy than Patty.Kelly比Patty更諳於世故。

5、Hi. This is Kelly Kudrow, and I’m calling to ask a few questions about your products.妳好。我是Kelly Kudrow,我打電話問幾個關於妳們產品的問題。

6、Kelly is more street-savvy than Patty.Kelly比Patty更諳於世故。

7、There were performances by John Legend, Alicia Keys, and Kelly Clarkson.歌手John Legend, Alicia Keys以及Kelly Clarkson都帶來了表演。

8、Grammy-winner Kelly Clarkson's new daytime talk show is becoming a hit.格萊美獎得主Kelly Clarkson的新日間脫口秀節目大受歡迎。