古詩詞大全網 - 成語查詢 - rate和proportion有什麽區別


與proportion搭配的介詞是in,比如in the proportion of按…的比例,in proportion成比例,這樣的短語,而與rate搭配的介詞多為at,如 at a rate of。具體可看下面幾個句子:*The unemployment rate is rising in that country.那個國家的失業率正在上升*The car was going at the rate of 60 miles an hour.汽車以每小時六十英裏的速度行使。*The room rates at this motel range from $30 to $50 per day.這個汽車旅館的房價每天從三十美元到五十美元不等。*The proportion of imports to exports is worrying the government.進出口的比例令政府擔憂。*A large proportion of the country is desert.這個國家大部分地區是沙漠。大致而言:Rate:指→每計量的單位有多少量.如例句中的:.每百人有多少人失業.每小時跑多少英裏.每天的房價是多少錢