古詩詞大全網 - 成語用法 - explained怎麽讀




1.This is a good place to explain that you require a deposit up front, and how much of a deposit you require.說明妳需要事先存款的理由,和妳需要存款的數額。

2.She said as a courtesy, she would call that number, explain my story and ask whoever answered if the person wanted her to connect me.她說出於禮貌,她可以打那個電話,說明我的情況後,看接電話的人是否願意讓她再與我聯系。

3.Explain to him that you are a very private person and hesitant to go into your history with people, but you meant to tell him before now.向他解釋妳是個個人隱私看得很重的人,對於他人進入妳的過去,妳是遲疑的,妳之前也壹直想跟他說這件事。

4.When I asked him to explain his process, he said I would have to experience it to understand it.當我讓他向我解釋他的處理方法時,他說我只有親身經歷過才能理解。

5.Could you please explain the premises of your argument in more detail? It will help me understand the point you are trying to make.妳能詳細說明妳們的論據嗎?這會幫助我了解妳們的重點。