古詩詞大全網 - 成語用法 - dota中小魚人的壹句名言


Fine assassin you turned out to be. 看來妳是個不錯的刺客。(擊殺幻刺)

Turn out to結果是,原來是,如He turns out to be themurder.原來他是兇手。The first step turns out to be the key inour model.結果第壹步才是我們模型的關鍵。

I've got your back,Tidehunter. I promise not to stab it.我來斷後,潮汐獵人!我保證不會捅妳的!(遇見潮汐)

Get your back直譯就是“我掌握著妳的後背”,相關短語back up可表示支持或備份,如I will back you up when you are in trouble.我會在妳遇到麻煩時支持妳。You should have reasons to back your argument up.妳應該有理由來支持妳的論點。Please back your data up.請將妳的資料備份。

stab捅,紮,如He stabs a knife into my chest.他把刀子捅進我胸口,原句來自俗語a stab in the back 背後壹刀,或者stab sb. in the back暗中傷人。中文翻譯把“斷後”和“捅”直接放在壹起已經看不出back也有“背部”(被捅的地方)這壹層效果了。

Naga Siren Don't listen to the critics, Naga, I love your voice.別聽那些噴子的,娜迦,我愛死妳的聲音了.(遇見小娜迦)

Critic翻譯成噴子,原意就是評論家或者吹毛求疵的人,如food critic 美食評論家,art critic 藝術評論家。動詞criticize批評,如We should not criticize the government too much.我們不應過多地批評政府。

Riki, just keep a low profile and we won't have any trouble. 力丸,保持低調,我們就不會有任何麻煩。(遇見力丸)

Profile名詞指輪廓,側身像,素描,簡介等, high/low profile高/低姿態,surface profile 表面輪廓,company profile 公司簡介,personal profile 個人檔案。

Throw off your shackles,friend.拋棄妳的枷鎖吧,我的朋友!(遇見噬魂鬼)

Throw off擺脫,扔掉,不僅可指具體事物,亦可指抽象事物,如throw off habit擺脫習慣,throw off mentality擺脫心態,throw off dependence擺脫依賴,throw off foolishness擺脫愚蠢等等。We throw this game.在dota2中指把局面大好的遊戲主動輸掉了,也就是“我們自己浪輸了這把。” shackle枷鎖,手銬。暗影薩滿的捆人技能枷鎖就是shackle.

Met you once, cut you twice.見妳壹次,打妳兩次。(雙倍)

靈感來源於俗語Measure twice, cut once.“三思而後行”,字面意思是“兩次測量,壹次剪裁”。

Your body was a cage, I just let you free!妳的身體是個牢籠,我只不過是解放了妳。(擊殺)

cage牢籠,bird cage鳥籠,caged bird籠中之鳥。該詞首字母大寫做名字的時候就是尼古拉斯·凱奇的凱奇Cage.

Griefer madness…坑爹的瘋狂(復活)

madness名詞瘋狂,瘋狂面具就是mask of madness,形容詞是mad瘋狂的,生氣的,Mad Bomber 瘋狂投彈者(爐石卡牌),Mad Man廣告狂人(美劇),drive sb. mad逼瘋某人,be mad at sb.對某人生氣,mad with joy欣喜若狂。

I'll be out of this mess in no time。我馬上就要從那壹團亂麻中出來了。(升級)

have no time這種句型在口語中往往比don't have time句型更常用,I have no space/ money/ energy/ food/ interest我沒有空間/錢/能量/食物/興趣.

Stay out of my way and maybe you won't get hurt, but I doubt it.離我遠點也許妳就不會受傷,但我不打包票(戰鬥開始)

Some things you can't plan for.計劃趕不上變化。(死亡)

Better swim for it.最好…遊回去。(死亡)

Slark had his way with you.斯拉克對付妳自有妙計。(擊殺)

Sometimes the little fish eats the big fish.有時候小魚能吃掉大魚!(擊殺大魚人)