古詩詞大全網 - 成語用法 - assert什麽意思





The company asserts that its products are 100% natural. (該公司聲稱其產品是100%的天然。)

He asserted that he had never met the suspect before. (他斷言自己從未見過嫌疑人。)

The politician asserted that his policies would create jobs and boost the economy. (這位政治家主張他的政策將創造就業機會並推動經濟發展。)



The author asserts that love is the most powerful force in the universe. (這位作者主張愛是宇宙中最強大的力量。)

The coach asserted that his team would win the championship this year. (教練強調他的隊伍今年將奪冠。)

The company asserted its commitment to environmental sustainability. (該公司強調其對環境可持續性的承諾。)