古詩詞大全網 - 成語用法 - applicable是什麽意思




Applicable scope 適用範圍 ; 防腐地坪適用範圍 ; 平方米。Applicable wires 適用線規 ; 適用線視 ; 適應線規。Applicable standards 適用標準 ; 適用的標準 ; 標準文件Applicable Rate 適用運價 ; 翻譯 ; 適用的稅率。APPLICABLE SIZE 適用線徑。Applicable auto 適用車型 ; 申請人Applicable since 執行日期。


But this is applicable to every aspect of our lives, I believe.但是我相信這也適用在我們生活的每壹個面向上。

However, you should check this statute is applicable in your region.然而,您應該檢查這樣章程是可適用的在您的區域。

If you have an idea at work, or want to get a raise, or want to convince your kids to go see a movie then there is something applicable from the marketing world.如果妳在工作中有壹個主意,或是想得到加薪,或是想說服孩子去看場電影,那麽,這裏面就有壹些東西是營銷世界中所適用的。