2.You know, the more I think about it, the Mobster Sauce couldn?t possibly contain chunks of mobster. It was listed under Seafood.
3.I?ve seen the [w]underbelly of Pasadena, this so-called City of Roses and it haunts me. Ah, the injustice. I lie here awake, tormented, while out there evil lurks. Probably playing Donkey Kong on my Classic Nintendo.[/w]
4.My new computer came with Windows 7. Windows 7 is much more user friendly than Windows Vista. I don?t like that.
5.I don?t need sleep, I need answers. I need to determine where, in this swamp of unbalanced formulas, squatteth the toad of truth.
6.Don?t be absurd, that?s in Washington. You know I can?t live in a city laid out in a hub and spoke pattern.
7.I asked myself, what is the most mind-numbing, pedestrian job conceivable and three answers came to mind: Toll booth attendant, Apple Store Genius and what Penny does. Now, since I don?t like touching other people?s coins, and I refuse to contribute to the devaluation of the word Genius ? here I am.
8.There?s an economic concept known as a Positional Good in which an object is only valued by the possessor because its not possessed by others. The term was coined in 1976 by economist Fred Hirsch to replace the more colloquial but less precise ?neener-neener?.
9.Help me out. Which ski cap says apr?s-super-collider?
10.I?ve lived up to my commitments under the agreement. At least once a day I ask how you are, even though I simply don?t care. I no longer stage spontaneous biohazard drills after 10 pm, and I abandoned my goal to master Tuvan throat singing.