money [?0?4m?0?5n?0?1] n (pl in sense 3 moneys ormonies 用於下述第3義時復數作moneys或monies)1 [U] means of payment, esp coins and banknotes, given and accepted in buying and selling 錢; 金錢; 貨幣: have money in one's pocket 口袋裏有錢 * earn, borrow, save, etc a lot of money 掙、 借、 節省...很多錢 * How much money is there in my (bank) account? 我的(銀行)戶頭裏有多少錢? * change English money into French moneymoney => coin. easy money => easy1. even chancesmoney => even1. a fool and his money are soon parted => fool1. for `my money (infml 口) in my opinion 據我看: For my money, Ann's idea is better than Mary's. 我認為安的主意比瑪麗的好. get one's `money's-worth get the full value in goods or services for the money one has spent 花得上算. good `money a lot of money; money that is hard-earned and not to be wasted 大筆的錢; 來之不易的錢: earn, pay, cost good money 賺、 付、 值很多錢. have `money to burn have so much money that one can spend it freely 有的是錢. a licence to print money => licence. `made of money (infml 口) very wealthy 極有錢: I'm not made of money, you know! 妳知道我又不是財神爺! make `money make a profit; earn a lot of money 賺錢; 發財. make money ,hand over `fist make big profits from business, etc 發大財; 賺大錢. marry money => marry. money burns a hole in sb's pocket sb is eager to spend money or spends it quickly or extravagantly 有錢就想花; 大手大腳. money for `jamsth (a) place a bet that (a horse, dog, etc) will win a race 在參賽的(馬、 狗等)上下賭註. (b) confidently expect sb/sth to succeed 確信某人[某事]會成功: I'll put my money on him. 我確信他能成功. put one's money where one's `mouth is (infml 口) show one's support in a practical way, not just by one's words 以實際行動支持, 並非說空話. a run for one's money => run1. see the colour of sb's money => colour1. there's money in sth profit can be obtained from sth (某事物)有利可圖. throw one's money about (infml 口) spend one's money recklessly and ostentatiously 大肆揮霍. you pays your money and you takes your choice => pay2