古詩詞大全網 - 成語用法 - [超急]網球王子冰帝學園的壹切有關資料


冰帝學園國中部(東京私立) HYOTEI GAKUEN 學園升學體制 幼教部→國中部→高中部→大學部 (均為推薦入學) 總學生人數:1652名 男生1021名/女生 校地面積:36845平方公尺 創校年:1919年 課程內容 必修科目: 國語:Ⅰ-白話文 Ⅱ-古文 Ⅲ-漢文 數學:Ⅰ-代數 Ⅱ-幾何 理化:Ⅰ-科學/化學 Ⅱ-物理 Ⅲ-生物/地球科學 社會:Ⅰ-地理 Ⅱ-歷史 Ⅲ-政治/經濟 英語:Ⅰ-英語文法 Ⅱ-英語讀本 Ⅲ-英語會話 體育:Ⅰ-器械體操/室內球類 Ⅱ-田徑/戶外球類 技術、家政:Ⅰ-技術 Ⅱ-家政 Ⅲ-醫療 選修科目: 音樂/美術/電腦/書法/德語/法語/希臘語/西班牙語 冰帝學園網球社介紹 冰帝學園國中部 社員總數超過200人!絕不勾結徇私的真正“戰鬥集團”。 去年搶下都大賽冠軍的強校。確保其強大威力的,是堅強的陣容和徹頭徹尾的實力主義。 不流於私情只重視結果的態度將他們推向高峰。

參考: .knowledge.yahoo/question/?qid=7007082604601

Hyotei Gakuen (氷帝學園中等部

Hyōtei Gakuen Chūtō Bu?) is one of the schools in the manga/anime series Prince of Tennis. Hyotei is on an elevator system

meaning that provided one passes the exam at every level

students may move up the academic ladder from primary school to university. The school's headmaster is Teruzane Sakujii. [edit] School system [edit] Curriculum The curriculum at Hyotei allows students to choose their own subjects. Subjects are divided into "specialised" and "generalist" subjects in which

through the specialised subjects

students can expand their knowledge for a career in specialist related fields. It is up to the student to take specialised or generalist subjects. [edit] The Study Abroad Program In preparation of a multi-cultural society

Hyotei Gakuen has arranged the study abroad program. This allows students first-hand experience with over-seas students from the four sister schools Hyotei has around the world. Many find this a valuable experience and also find possible career paths through this rare experience. [edit] Extra curricular activity Hyotei also puts strength into its after-school sporting clubs and Student Council Chamber. By participating in these extra curricular activities

students are able to gain a wide range of experiences and responsibilities as a representative of Hyotei Gakuen. [edit] Trport When travelling to and from school

students must walk or make use of the bus or train. If


a parent or guardian is present

private trport methods can be arranged. [edit] Tennis team Hyoutei Regulars

clockwise from center: Atobe; Kabaji; Gakuto; Jirou; Shishido; Ohtori; Hiyoshi; OshitariHyotei's strength lies in its strict stratification and merit system

which prioritizes ability only rather than emotion. This allows for the members to reach their full potential. Hyotei is considered a rival school of Seishun Academy Middle School. The o teams pete against each other in the first match of the Kantō region Tournament and in the second match of the National Tournament. With Keigo Atobe as their leader

Hyotei's tennis club is 200+ members strong. The coach

Tarou Sakaki

chooses the best players of the tennis club as the regulars and the others as assistant regulars. Usually the regulars start to play in the Kantō Tournament

although after losing to Fudomine Middle School

the regulars go up against St. Rudolph Gakuen for the 5th place in the Doh-Daikai. Source: Wikipedia 因為太多字post唔哂


球員資料請參閱以下網址: en. *** /wiki/Hyotei_Gakuen (From Wikipedia)

參考: Wikipedia