古詩詞大全網 - 成語用法 - 《愛情之影——The?Shadow?of?Love》?中英文?李宗軒


《愛情之影——The Shadow of Love》 中英文 李宗軒

愛情之影? The Shadow of Love

壹? 中文部分

我對愛情其實壹無所知。愛情只是我生命中壹份無法回避的希冀,壹種深深騷動和可以塵封,卻時時掛念的本能。可能哪壹天被喚醒,卻又無法真的忘記。好像我和其他的孩子沒有多大區別,在很小的時候就有專屬於自己的鬼怪故事。這些鬧鬼的故事嚇死我了,我渴望長大,渴望擁有自己的權力和尊嚴,那陽光明媚的殿堂,和壹位可心的人兒陪伴,那些鬼怪就匍匐在地,他們成為了我的朋友,也成為了辛勤的園丁和安靜的神龕。可心的人兒和我壹起註視著這裏的景象。憑我的倔強本能,我會在即便天塌下來的時候,保護這裏的壹切,保護可心的人兒, 宮殿,和那些鬧心的神鬼,即便是在狂風巨浪之中。

? 可心的人兒太美好了,壹直美好到,我發現她宛如壹條中等程度的蛇,劇毒,華麗溫和的皮膚,和柔美。這樣我卻更加愛她。我知道自己病了。病的真不輕。美麗的蛇出沒在我的夢中,摧毀了現實中壹切正常的家居擺設。神龕不知在哪裏斜掛,我也變得很懶,懶於作為。我不在乎了人們的誇耀和詆毀,願意陪著那條美麗的有毒的蛇,在深淵和天際遊動,在鬧市和酒會之中偽裝和調侃,我知道我的責任,就是保衛這壹切。所以風險才是我真正的安寧。蛇,有毒,冷酷,狡猾,誠實與她無緣。但我的天性卻是誠實的,美好的。只有她深處的靈性才折射出她如天籟般的善意。

? 待人接物之時,人們總誇耀我們。因為他們很有安全感。我卻不知這安全感來自哪裏?來自那些辛勤的鬼怪? 來自我所謂的經歷的愛情? 還是來自對壹直在毀滅著的人生的壹種淡忘。沒有美麗的毒蛇,華麗興奮、溫和的, 我們是否要淡忘自己將壹直被毀滅著的人生呢? 我很有安全的感覺,在將傾的懸崖邊,保護著很多的東西。這種感覺,在風浪來臨的時候,就讓我深深地懷念,壹條毀滅我的美麗毒蛇,時時在我胸口盤旋。陰冷的風浪裏和安靜的花叢裏,最美的柔情,壹定是她給的。她到底是誰?如此咬痛我的手指,滴出的鮮血,讓我夢回童年。記得我的妄為曾經讓她痛苦萬倍,她溫柔華美的肌膚讓我生如夢幻,壹遍壹遍華美如烈火的情愫拖拽我在夢幻中流連,壹遍壹遍的熱湯和小火爐讓我度過多少美好的年代。經歷人們的誇耀,同時人們的詆毀,我懷疑了壹切,但相信了那相信的力量。那是妳用最微弱的指尖信息帶給我的。我知道妳是對的,我也就信了。性愛、母愛、仁愛,說不清楚的混合體,歷史和希望的結晶,慈悲和嚴厲的均衡。相信之排山倒海的力量,來自妳指尖微弱的信息傳遞。所以親愛的妳,隱退的時候,壹定要記得,在人世間妳塑造者了壹位英豪。蛇兒雖美麗也總有老去的時候,沒有關系,最輝煌的歲月已經打拼過,我會陪著妳到風燭殘年。李宗軒2017-10-27

第二部分? 英文

? The Shadow of Love

It is too mysterious for me to know anything about love.Only unavoidable hope in my life is love, like a kind of deep disturbance, and it can be covered with dust, but always miss within the instinct. Maybe someday it may be waken up, but indeed it cannot really be forgotten. It seems that I'm not very different from other children, and I had my own ghost stories when I was quite young. The ghost story scared me, I want to grow up, eager to have my own power and dignity, the sunny hall, and a pretty person who can accompany with me to look those ghosts, which prostrated on the ground, they became my friend, have become some hard gardener and even quiet God shrine.? Then someone and I looked at the picture here. With my stubborn instinct, I will be even when the sky is falling, protect everything here,including my pretty.,Palace, and people who suck the palace, and, worrying supernatural,even in the storm.

Because the pretty is too good,? up to now, I found her like a moderate poisonous snake, gorgeous, mild skin and soft. And I love her more. I know I'm sick. Disease is not light. Beautiful snakes haunt my dreams, destroying all the normal furnishings in the real world. I do not know where the shrine hanging. I have become very lazy, lazy as. I don't care if people boast and slander to me, willing to accompany the beautiful poisonous snake in the abyss, and the sky swimming, camouflage and ridicule in the downtown area and reception, I know that my responsibility is to defend all of this. So risk is my real peace. Snakes are poisonous, cold, cunning, and not some honest with her. But my nature is honest and good. Only her deep spirituality reflects her angelic kindness.

When we have had the way of getting along with people, people often boasted of us. Because they have a sensation of security from us. But I don't understand where comes from this sensation of security indeed.From the hard ghosts? From my so-called experience of love? Or from a life that has been destroyed?. Without beautiful snakes, gorgeous, excited and gentle, should we forget the life that we will be destroyed all the time? Who is she? So bite my fingers, drop out of the blood, let me dream back of childhood. I have remembered once making her painful thousands of times, her gentle beautiful skin makes me enjoying a dream like myself? through my whole life, again gorgeous fiery feelings drag linger in my dreams again and again,and ther, hot soup and small stove let me spend much good time. Through all the people's boasting and slander, I doubted everything, but I believed in the power of that believing. That's what you gave me through the weakest fingertip information. Because I know you're right, and I'll take it too.So my darling, when you retire, please remember, in this world you have shaped a real hero full of wisdom and strength. Although there were senile with my? beautiful snake,? never mind, the most brilliant years have been working hard, I will accompany you to the decline of life.

Li Congxuan 2017-10-27by Chinese 10-29by English.