MUN ? [mu:n]
abbr. 模擬聯合國(Model United Nations)
n. (Mun)人名;(東南亞國家華語)文;(日)文(姓);(中)閔 (廣東話 . 威妥瑪);(法)曼;(英)芒。
1.Shek Mun ? 石門;
2.Johnathan Mun ? 喬納森·文;喬納森·芒;
3.Manson Mun ? 文梅森;
4.YONG MUN ? 韓國龍門;
5.chn mun ? 師父阿姜曼;
6.MUN debating ? 模聯辯論技巧;
7.World MUN ? 世界模擬聯合國大會。
1.Midfielder Mun In Guk could often be seen waving his players back from the midfield line.
朝鮮中場文仁國(Mun In Guk)還常常打手勢讓隊友從中場線附近回防。 ?
2.To the uninitiated, the words should rhyme, but the former is pronounced /mun/ (according to the International Pronunciation Alphabet), while the latter is spoken /good/.
對外行人而言,這兩個單詞似乎應該是押韻的,但是前者的讀音是 /mun/(根據 International Pronunciation Alphabet),而後者的讀音是 /good/。
3."We are excited about the possibility of becoming a bigger player in Asia as it grows in stature in the global market," said Kwong Kin Mun, DBS head of private banking for Southeast Asia.
"隨著亞洲對全球市場的影響上升,我行有可能提高在亞洲市場的地位,這讓我們很興奮,"星展銀行東南亞私人銀行業務主管Kwong Kin Mun說." 根據我行的地區戰略,中國和印尼等國家預計會產生巨大的財富,我們很想進壹步擴大在這些國家的業務."