古詩詞大全網 - 成語用法 - 如何回信寫交朋友的作文英語



It is universally known that friendship isone of the eternal themes in the literature of all languages. This is becausehuman beings were born to need the warmth and laughter of friends. However itis impossible for us to make friends with everybody. We have to choose truefriends. Some of us like similar friends, while others different friends.Personally, I prefer both.

It goes without saying that having similarfriends has many advantages. We can feel a sense of strength when we have agroup of old friends who would share our sufferings and happiness. Moreover,old friends always know how to maintain mutual trust and how to avoid potentialfriction. I always feel delighted when I meet an old friend after a longdeparture. Immediately, hearty laughter fills the atmosphere.

Nevertheless I believe that a mixture offriends is equalty advantageous. In the first place, frequent contact withdifferent friends broadens my world outlook. For instance, I have found, it areal treasure to have so many friends on the campus who often help, mereinforce my beliefs. Secondly, I have found that different friends cannot onlylead to new adventures but alse show me new avenues in life. Thirdly, they canhelp me with whatever difficulties I encounter in life.

To conclude, I prefer to have both types offriends and as many as possible. Of course, I will not forget friends wisely.