rope是又粗又結實的繩索。learn the ropes。壹般人認為learn the ropes和know the ropes這兩個習慣用語都出自水手,因為他們成天得和桅繩打交道。以前航船上的新手要成為合格的水手首先得學會怎樣擺弄好幾十根桅繩,把船帆升上桅桿,並固定在壹定的位置上。在新手終於學會操作那壹大堆桅繩後,也就是說,after he learns the ropes, 那麽他就是熟知桅繩操縱的老手了。換句話說就是,he knows the ropes. Learn the ropes和know the ropes這兩個習慣用語隨著時日的推移,也擴展了它們的意義。
learn the ropes這個習慣用語的例子。這是個老於世故的政界前輩在指點急於打入政界毛頭小夥子。
例句-1:The best way to learn the ropes about politics is to do volunteer work for a candidate for city office. You'll do everything from passing out campaign leaflets to arranging political rallies.
其實這位政界前輩的忠告包含著民主政治進程的關鍵步驟,也就是如何聯系選民。這是初出茅廬的小夥子取得從政經驗的鑰匙,所以這兒的習慣用語learn the ropes意思是摸熟門路、找到竅門。
例句-2:You've worked here ten years now and you've certainly learned the ropes of running a chain store. You're ready now to be trained as manager for all our stores in the state.
這段話裏的learned the ropes意思也是掌握竅門。
我們接著要聽兩個例子裏面用了know the ropes。第壹段話是壹名政府雇員對他精明卻不厚道的上司大為不滿。我們要聽聽他在發什麽牢騷。
例句-3:The guy knows all the ropes of bureaucracy. He usually writes better performance reports about his favorites than they really deserve just to keep them loyal to him personally.
從這兒可見knows the ropes含義是熟悉內幕。我們再來聽個例子,說話的人在談論他的叔叔Joe。
例句-4:Nobody knows the ropes about the auto business better than my Uncle Joe. He's been selling cars for thirty years and he's become an expert at closing deals with customers.
這裏know the ropes意思還是熟知內情、掌握秘訣。