Put my glasses on, I\\’m out the door帶上黑超準備走人
I’m gonna hit this city (Let\\’s go)我要到城中狂歡
Before I leave,出發之前
Brush my teeth with a bottle of Jack再用傑克丹尼刷壹下牙
Cause when I leave for the night, I ain\\’t coming back因為壹旦我離家就會徹夜不歸
I’m talking - pedicure on our toes, toes我說我要去做美足,美足
Trying on all our clothes, clothes試穿了所有的衣服,衣服
[00:29.87]Boys blowing up our phones, phones男孩們打爆了電話,電話
Drop-toping, playing our favorite CDs坐上敞篷車,播放最喜歡的CD
Pulling up to the parties壹路開到派對
Trying to get a little bit tipsy然後喝得有點醉醺醺
Don’t stop, make it pop別停下,盡情搖滾
DJ, blow my speakers up DJ讓我嗨翻天
Tonight, Imma fight今晚我要鬥爭到曙光乍現
Till we see the sunlight時鐘在滴答走
Tick tock, on the clock但派對絕不會停下
But the party don\\’t stop但派對絕不會停下
Woah-oh oh oh
Woah-oh oh oh
Don’t stop, make it pop別停下,盡情搖滾
DJ, blow my speakers up DJ讓我嗨翻天
Tonight, Imma fight今晚我要鬥爭到曙光乍現
Till we see the sunlight時鐘在滴答走
Tick tock, on the clock但派對絕不會停下
But the party don\\’t stop但派對絕不會停下
Woah-oh oh oh
Woah-oh oh oh
Ain’t got a care in world,才不管世界會變成怎樣
But got plenty of beer只要有大量啤酒
Ain’t got no money in my pocket,口袋裏半毛也沒有
But I’m already here但我已經在這兒了
And now, the dudes are lining up現在小夥們排起了長隊
Cause they hear we got swagger因為他們聽過我們超有型
But we kick ’em to the curb unless they look like Mick Jagger但我們把他們踹到了路旁,除非他們打扮成mick,jagger
I’m talking about - everybody getting crunk, crunk我說每個人都想要瘋狂,瘋狂
Boys trying to touch my junk, junk男孩們想要摸我的美臀,美臀
Gonna smack him if he gettin g too drunk, drunk如果他們喝的太醉我會抽他們耳光,耳光
Now, now - we goin\\’ til they kick us out, out現在他們在追,我們在逃,逃
Or the police shut us down, down否則條子會把我們抓到,抓到
Police shut us down, down條子會把我們抓到,抓到
Po-po shut us -
Don\\’t stop, make it pop別停下,盡情搖滾
DJ, blow my speakers up DJ讓我嗨翻天
Tonight, Imma fight今晚我要鬥爭到曙光乍現
Till we see the sunlight時鐘在滴答走
Tick tock, on the clock但派對絕不會停下
But the party don\\’t stop但派對絕不會停下
Woah-oh oh oh
Woah-oh oh oh
Don’t stop, make it pop別停下,盡情搖滾
DJ, blow my speakers up DJ讓我嗨翻天
Tonight, Imma fight今晚我要鬥爭到曙光乍現
Till we see the sunlight