沒有看到對於希爾頓酒店管理學院的單獨要求 官網上給出的就是籠統的托福要求79分以上
TOEFL (Test of English as a
Foreign Language) www.toefl.org
The minimum
TOEFL score required is 550 (paper-based test) or 79 (internet-based test).
TOEFL scores must be received directly from Educational Testing Service (ETS).
The University of Houston's ETS Institutional Code is 6870.?
作為美國酒店管理專業排名前五的學校 按照壹般規律 建議托福90+ 屬於穩妥?
PS:學校強烈建議提交SAT1 ?同時跟獎學金發放掛鉤
It is highly recommended that international freshman applicants
take the SAT test to fulfill the English language proficiency requirement.
Submitting SAT scores will also assist in determining scholarship eligibility
and providing an early admissions decision.
SAT I - A minimum of SAT I Total (Critical Reading + Math) =
1100 with a minimum of Critical Reading = 500 and a minimum of Math = 500. Scores should be sent through The College Board (code 6870) OR;?
希爾頓酒店管理專業對於托福的分數要求沒有找到 找到了對於SAT1 的建議分數 見截圖
能找到的就這些 沒有問題請采納