古詩詞大全網 - 成語大全 - 30首必讀經典外國詩歌英文



1、spring goeth all in white?春之女神著素裝

robert bridges羅伯特·布裏季

spring goeth all in white, crowned with milk-white may; in fleecy flocks of light, o'er heaven the white clouds stray; white butterflies in the air; white daisies prank the ground; the cherry and hoary pear, scatter their snow around.


2、the river of life生命之川

thomas campbell妥默司·康沫爾

the more we live, more brief appear our life's succeeding stages; a day to childhood seems a year, and years like passing ages. the gladsome current of our youth, ere passion yet disorders, steals lingering like a river smooth, along its grassy borders.


3、to daffodils詠黃水仙花

robert herrick羅伯特·哈裏克

fair daffodils,we weep to see you haste away so soon; as yet the early-rising sun has not attain'd his noon. stay,stay, until the hasting day has run but to the even-song; and,having pray'd together, we will go with you along.


4、the daffodils黃水仙花

william wordsworth威廉姆·華滋華斯

i wander'd lonely as a cloud that floats on hight o'er vales and hills, when all the once i saw a crowd, a host,of golden daffodils, beside the lake,beneath the trees, fluttering and dancing in the breeze.


5、a red,red rose紅玫瑰

robert burns羅伯特·彭斯

o my luve's like a red,red rose that's newly spring in june: o my luve's like the melodie that's sweetly play'd tune. as fair art thou,my bonnie lass. so deep in luve am i: and i will luve thee still,my dear, till a'the seas gang dry.
