古詩詞大全網 - 成語大全 - pull out of 和pull out有什麽不同?

pull out of 和pull out有什麽不同?

pull out of 和pull out都有退出、離開的意思。區別在於及物與不及物上面。pull out 可以及物,也可以不及物,即使用這壹短語是後面可以接賓語,也可以沒有賓語。而pull out of 必須及物,也就是說使用這壹短語時後面必須有賓語。


pull out of



1. From the ground, we could see the, plane pull out of its steep descent.


2. She had a spell of dizziness, but soon pulled out of it.


pull out


1.take(sth.) out拿出;拔出

Putting his hand in his pocket, he pulled out a handkerchief.他把手伸進口袋掏出壹塊手帕。

He pulled out the pistol and aimed at the enemy officer.他拔出手槍,對準敵軍官。

I'll have to have this tooth pulled out.我的這顆牙要拔掉。

2.move away離開

We reached the station too late,just as the train was pulling out.我們到達車站太遲了,當時火車正出站。

The train for Beijing will pull out in 10 minutes.去北京的火車還有10分鐘就要開了。

3.leave;cause to leave離開;退出

Jim saw that the firm was going to be ruined,so he pulled out.吉姆眼看公司即將垮臺,於是就退了出來。

The government pulled the army out of the troublespot.政府把部隊撤出有爭端的地區。

4.recover from illness恢復健康

John did not feel very well, but soon he pulled out.約翰感到身體不太舒服,但不久就康復了。