古詩詞大全網 - 成語大全 - in the past 和in the last都是現在完成式的標誌嗎?

in the past 和in the last都是現在完成式的標誌嗎?

不是的,in the past 是過去式的標誌,而 in the last/past +數字+years(在過去的多少年裏)是現在完成時的標誌。


It was fashionable in the past that women were laced in.


Inthe past, the work in the factory could not move forward for lack of necessaryrules and regulations.

過去由於規章制度不健全, 這個廠的工作老是上不去。

All of the work we do is based on science. All of the listing petitions we've seen inthe past ten years have been scientifically based.


In the past ten years, I have been actively involved in academic researches and havepublished several articles in "Telecom Now", "Engineering Research" and "TelecomStrategies".
