古詩詞大全網 - 成語大全 - root是什麽意思?




1、根;根莖。The?roots?of a plant are the parts of it that grow under the ground.

2、?使生根成長。If you?root?a plant or cutting or if it?roots, roots form on the bottom of its stem and it starts to grow.

3、蔬菜、作物等塊根的,根莖可食用的。Root?vegetables or?root?crops are grown for their roots which are large and can be eaten.

4、根脈;祖籍;血統;根基。You can refer to the place or culture that a person or their family comes from as their?roots?.

5、問題、困境等的根源,起因,禍根。You can refer to the cause of a problem or of an unpleasant situation as?the root of?it or?the roots of?it.


1、The?square?root?of?64?is?8. 64的平方根是8。

2、The?fence?posts?took?root?and?grew?into?the?earth! 籬笆生了根,長在了地裏。

3、We?have?to?get?to?the?root?of?the?problem. 我們必須找到問題的根源。

4、What?would?you?say?was?the?root?cause?of?the?problem? 妳認為問題的根源是什麽?

5、The?government?set?out?to?destroy?the?organization?root?and?branch. 政府著手完全徹底地摧毀這個組織。