&
that
都是可以滴……
在定語從句中~
只能用that的是~
(1)當先行詞為all,
much,
little,
none及由any,
every,
some,
no所構成的復合不定代詞時。
We
should
do
all
that
we
can
do
(2)當先行詞被any,
few,
little,
no,
all,
much,
some等詞修飾時。
There
is
little
work
that
is
fit
for
you.
幾乎沒有適合妳的工作。
(3)當先行詞為序數詞或被序數詞所修飾時。
(4)當先行詞為形容詞最高級或被形容詞最高級修飾時。
The
best
that
could
do
was
to
apologize.
我唯壹能做的就是賠禮道歉了。
(5)當先行詞被the
very,
the
only,
the
last,
the
just,
the
same等修飾時。
總的來說that的適用範圍更廣啦~
但是
介詞+關系代詞結構中,關系代詞必須用which。
The
house
in
which
we
live
is
very
large.
我們住的房子非常大。
希望幫到樓主~