into和burst
into在意思上都有“忽然闖入”的意思,但是細看兩者的意思還是有所區別的。
break
into:偏向於空間上的突然改變;突然開始
(做某事)
burst
into:偏向於情緒上的突然改變;突然進入
(某種狀態)
eg.
The
thieves
broke
into
the
bank
and
stole
the
safe.
盜賊非法強行闖入銀行偷了保險箱。
The
moment
she
was
out
of
sight
she
broke
into
a
run.
她壹走出視線就突然開始跑。
She
burst
into
tears
and
ran
from
the
kitchen.
她突然哭起來,跑出了廚房。
This
weekend's
fighting
is
threatening
to
burst
into
full-scale
war.
這個周末的戰鬥有突然升級為全面戰爭的危險。