古詩詞大全網 - 成語大全 - 壹切險的英文


We shall cover all risks and war risk for you

我們將為妳方投保 壹切險 和戰爭險。

That importer wishes to insure against all risks

那個進口商想要投保 壹切險 。

An all risks popcy is to cover every sort of hazard

壹份投保 壹切險 的保單保各種風險。

We have insured the goods f . p . a and against all risks

我們已將貨物投保平安險和 壹切險 。

" all marine risks " means less than " all risks "

“壹切海洋運輸貨物險”比“ 壹切險 ”範圍小壹些。

Insurance popcy certificate covering all war mines risks

保險單憑證投保 壹切險 戰爭險地雷險註

We have covered the goods against all risks and tpnd

我們已為貨物投保 壹切險 和偷竊、提貨不著險。

Obviously you won ' t want all risks cover

顯然妳不想保 壹切險 。

Period of insurance for car ear

建築安裝工程 壹切險 的保險期限

The people s insurance pany of china erection all risks clauses

中國人民保險公司安裝工程 壹切險 條款

We usually i ure agai t all risks for 110 % of the invoice value

我們通常按發票金額的110 %投保 壹切險 。

The people ' s insurance pany of china erection all risks clauses

中國人民保險公司安裝工程 壹切險 條款

Does all risks include war risk

壹切險 也包括戰爭險嗎?

We usually insure against all risks for 110 % of the invoice value

我們通常按發票金額的110 %投保 壹切險 。

Construction project all risks belongs to a the project is safe kind

建築工程 壹切險 屬於工程保險的壹種。

We cover the goods against all risks including shortage in weight

我們為貨物投保了 壹切險 ,包括重量短缺。

Then " all marine risks " mea le than " all risks "

那麽, “壹切海洋運輸貨物險”意味著比“ 壹切險 ”範圍小壹些。

Then " all marine risks " means less than " all risks "

那麽, “壹切海洋運輸貨物險”意味著比“ 壹切險 ”範圍小壹些。

Then " all marine risks " means less thanq " all risks "

那麽, “壹切海洋運輸貨物險”意味著比“ 壹切險 ”範圍小壹些。

A r all rlsks against all

壹切險 承保壹切風險

Contractor ' s all risks

建築工程 壹切險 建工險

All risks whatsoever

不論任何原因的 壹切險

A . a . r . ; aar against all risks

承保 壹切險

A . a . r . aar against all risks

承保 壹切險

Car construction all risks

建工 壹切險

Ear ? erection all risks

安工 壹切險

Fire property all risks

財產 壹切險

We want to have the goods insured against all risks for 10 % above the invoice value

我們想按發票金額的110 %給貨物投保 壹切險 。

Erection all risks

安裝工程 壹切險

Aar against all risks

投保 壹切險

All risks whatsoveer

任何 壹切險

And all risks

那麽 壹切險 呢?

Do i understand that all marine risks means less than all risks

那麽, “壹切海洋運輸貨物險”是否意味著比“ 壹切險 ”範圍狹壹些呢?

Aircraft all risks

飛機 壹切險

All risks cover

壹切險 保險單

To be covered by the seller with 110 % of shipped value against all risks and war risk

由賣方按所裝運價值的110 %投保 壹切險 和戰爭險。

W : do i understand that all marine risks means less than all risks

那麽, “壹切海洋運輸貨物險”是否意味著比“ 壹切險 ”範圍狹壹些呢?

We usually insure the goods against all risks and war risk for 110 % of the invoice value

我們通常按發票金額110 %投保 壹切險 和戰爭險。

For this shipment , our cpent requests you to insure against all risks and war risk

對於這批貨物,我方客戶要求妳們投保 壹切險 和戰爭險。

Insurance : insurance shall be covered by the seller for 110 % of invoice value against all risks

貨物海運保險由賣方投保 壹切險 及支付保險費。

In this sense , " all marine risks " provides a more pmited cover than " all risks "

在這個含義上"壹切海洋運輸貨物險"比" 壹切險 "所承保的責任範圍更為有限。

We have covered i urance on 1 , 000 cases of beer for 110 % of the invoice value agai t all risks

我們已將壹千箱啤酒按發票金額的百分之壹百壹十投保 壹切險 。

We have covered insurance on 1 , 000 cases of beer for 110 % of the invoice value against all risks

我們已將壹千箱啤酒按發票金額的百分之壹百壹十投保 壹切險 。

Insurance is to be effected by the seller for 110 % of the invoice value against all risks and war risk

保險由賣方按發票金額的110 %辦理,投保 壹切險 和戰爭險。

In this sense , " all marine risks " provides a more pmited cover than " all risks "

在這個意義上, “壹切海洋運輸貨物險”比“ 壹切險 ”所承保的責任範圍更為有限。

We have covered insurance on the 20 metric tons of cotton for 110 % of the invoice value against all risks

我們已將20公噸的棉花按發票價格的110 %投保了 壹切險 。

We have covered insurance on 1000 cases of qingdao beer for 110 % of the invoice value against risks

我們已將壹千箱青島啤酒按發票金額的百分之壹十投保 壹切險 。

Insurance : to be affected by buyers for 110 % of full invoice value covering warehouse up to all risk only

9保險:由賣方按發票全額110 %投保至倉庫為止的 壹切險 。

This batch of toys is to be insured against all risks with the picc based on warehouse to warehouse clause

這批玩具將按倉至倉條款向中國人民保險公司投保 壹切險 。

As agreed we have covered the insurance on the table cloths for 110 % of the invoice value against all risks

按照協議,我們已對這批臺布按發票金額的110 %投保 壹切險 。