Unit 13 A Delightful Village譯文
、餐館老板不僅要懂得如何做飯,而且還要懂得怎樣賺錢。 Restaurant owners have to know not only how to make food, but also how to make money. 2、這兒有壹些妳能吃的東西。 Here is something you can eat. 3、這兒有妳壹封信。 Here is a letter for you. 4、像粉紅、淺藍這樣柔和的顏色能使人放松。 Soft colors like pink and light blue make people relaxed. 5、每天,他只花5分鐘吃早飯。 Every day, he only spends 5 minutes having breakfast. 6、她有可能在家。 Maybe, she is at home. She may be at home. 7、他有可能天天打電腦遊戲。 Maybe, he plays computer games every day. 8、他們用竹子建造房屋。 They make houses of bamboo. They use bamboo to built houses.SB 3a 1. 許多廣告特別針對家庭主婦。 Many ads are aimed specifically at housewives. 2、他瞄準那只鳥射擊,可是沒打中。 He aimed at the bird but missed. 3、他把槍瞄準了那只鳥。 He aimed the gun at the bird. 4、不要用筷子指任何人。那是不禮貌的。 Don’t point your chopsticks at anyone. Don’t point at anyone with your chopsticks. 5、有時我步行去上學。 有時我騎自行車去。 在其它時候我坐公***汽車去上。 Sometimes I go to school on foot. At times I go to school by bike. At other times I go to school by bus. 6、妳應該比較兩種不同的產品,以便妳能買到妳真正需要的那種。 You should compare two different (kinds of ) products so that you can buy the one you really need.Self check 1、首先,我應該每天朗讀英語。 To start with, I should read aloud English every day. 2. 我沒有去看電影,她也沒有去。 I didn’t go to the movies. She didn’t go to the movies either. 3. 它畢竟是個孩子,別生氣。 He is a child after all. Don’t be angry.4. 家裏沒人。 No one is at home.5. 關於學習,他父母對他很生氣。 His parents are annoyed with him about his studies.6. 我記得在哪兒見過妳。 I remember seeing him somewhere.7. 別忘了隨身帶上雨傘。 Don’t forget to bring your umbrella with you.8. 他問我要壹塊面包。 He asked me for a piece of bread.9. 除非他邀請吃午飯,我才會和他去那兒。 I’ll not go there with him unless he invites me for lunch.10. 課堂上不要說話。 Don’t talk in class.Reading: 1、說實在的,我不喜歡那個紫色錢包。 To be honest, I don't like that purse. 2、他假裝不知實情。 He pretended not to know the facts. 3、他假裝病了以便能待在家裏。 He pretended that he was ill so that he could stay at home. 4、這道數學題很難解。 It’s hard to work out this math problem. 5、她寧肯呆在教室也不願上體育課。 She would rather stay at home than have PE class. 6、接受現錢讓人感到不舒服。 Receiving money can make people uncomfortable. 7、他昨天在街上碰到了妳的爺爺。 He met your grandpa in the street yesterday. 8、在這個問題上,不同的人有不同的思想、不同的品味。 Different people have different thoughts and different tastes on this subject.