影評範文英語作文 小學
哈利·波特與混血王子英文影評: As a fan of the books and films, I was truly impressed with how The Half-Blood Prince turned out. The nature of this Harry Potter is supposed to be dark and mysterious, which I admit it is in some places but it seems like they loaded this one with more humor than the rest. Sometimes subtle, other times just outright hilarious, I guarantee you will laugh. That's not to say there's no action though. There's plenty of that to go around. Not to mention the new romances that are a constant source of the humor. The returning cast did wonderfully as well as the newers such as Jim Broadbent acting as Professor Slughorn. Broadbent really got into character and I believe he is exactly like Rowling describes in her books. Other newers Dave Legeno as Fenrir Greyback and Helen McCrory as Malfoy's Mom have *** aller parts but portray their characters well for how much room they were given. One thing I have to say is I was surprised at Rupert Grint's level of acting in this one, I don't know if was just being held back or if he just improved that much but it's obvious he's going places. The fans of the book series won't be disappointed either. They managed to stay very true to the book while keeping it a reasonable length and filling in all the information you need. But I daresay that if you've never read the books you may be surprised and saddened at the ending. i thought chan ho-sun’s latest movie, american dreams in china, would be a more masculine version of zhao wei’s so young. but not quite, as it turns out. 我曾以為陳可辛的新作《中國合夥人》會更像壹部男版的《致青春》。但事實證明並非如此。 although the film depicts a nostalgic campus life full of ideali *** for the future and the impulses of love, the story is more about starting out after innocent youth has faded. 雖然片中回顧了那段充滿青春理想與躁動 *** 的校園生活。但《中國合夥人》更側重於講述幾位年輕人告別青春,離校後的創業生活。 through the interined destinies of the movie’s protagonists, the audience witnesses a triangle of friendship, career ambitions and personal dreams seemingly collapse as three best friends desperately try to tie and ist these elements together. 透過主角們交織在壹起的命運,觀眾們見證了當鐵三角友誼、職業抱負與個人理想面臨破碎時,三位好友是如何竭盡全力地將它們重新糅合在壹起的故事。 that’s why wang yang (tong dawei), one of the three best friends, who start a business together, shares this lesson of life: “never start a business with your best friends.” 這就是為何作為鐵三角之壹的王陽(佟大為飾演)在經歷與好友***同創業之後看,分享出這樣的壹條人生經驗:“千萬不要跟最好的朋友合夥開公司” he may be right. after all, no matter how close they are, differences in their professional and personal aspirations can drive friends apart. every individual has a distinct outlook on the world and their future, which determines the trajectory of their career and life. 或許他說的對。畢竟,不管朋友多鐵,不同的職業抱負與個人理想足以令好友分道揚鑣。人們的世界觀與理想各不相同,這些也決定了各自事業與生活的軌跡。 without knowing of meng xiaojun’s (deng chao) struggles in the us and his disillusion toward the country, there’s no way cheng dongqing (huang xiaoming) can understand why meng is pushing all the agendas so hard. the parting of the invincible trio, to some extent, is predestined. 因為對於孟曉駿(鄧超飾演)在美國打拼的艱辛以及他的美國夢碎壹無所知,成東青(黃曉明飾演)沒法理解為何孟曉駿如此拼命地推行自己的主張。在某種程度上,所向披靡的鐵三角註定要以解散收場。 even so, despite these differences, friendship always prevails. cheng’s difficulties bee a podium on which the three friends stand together. it’s through the emotional connection they developed over many years that they finally overe their differences and reform the alliance. 即便如此,雖然存在各種分歧,但友誼總是能戰勝壹切。成東青經歷的人生低谷也促成了鐵三角的再聚首。正是這份經營多年的友誼,使得他們最終克服了種種分歧,再鑄鐵三角。 what the film tries to convey is the triumph of brotherhood, which dates back to our naive, passionate youth when unconditional bonds of emotion are shaped. 該片試圖通過對那個冒失魯莽的青春歲月和那個純真情誼萌芽的年代的回顧,來向人們傳達出“手足情誼戰勝壹切”的訊息。 so the film was never about business after all. 所以,本片終究不只是壹個創業故事那麽簡單。 妳可以摘抄下