古詩詞大全網 - 古詩大全 - The time歌詞翻譯。

The time歌詞翻譯。

ti:somewhere ]

[al:the force of love]

can you hear voices in the sky?可否耳聞空中之聲

call my name as i close my eyes閉上雙眼時請輕輕呼喚我

whispering a prayer inside my sleep若夢中祈願者般私語

is it real or make believe?這亦虛亦真

soldiers fall on a distant shore士兵墜落於偏僻沙潮

chidren cry mama take me home孩子欲歸哭喚母親

to a special pleace i knew before去往所知的特殊之地

where the light shined on and on那裏光芒不絕

is it a fantasy?好似夢幻

somewhere there's magic in the air某地氣息中魔法彌漫

a land of dreams那是幻想之嶼

where the moon glows like a halo月暈若隱若現

shining a light from heaven above恍若天堂之光

somewhere a spirit sings a song某地靈魂歌舞

beneath the stars於星空之下

surrender forever永遠舉降

follow the force inside and pray for tomorrow追尋內在力量為明日真切祈願

「somewhere(theme of cora)」

album:「the force of love」track.03


souls collide in the darkest night魂魄互擊於暗黑深夜

battles lost in the rush of time戰役慘敗於時光喧攘

broken memories inside my dreams夢中充斥破碎記憶

are they real or make believe?這亦虛亦真

what is the mystery?所謂謎團實為何物

somewhere there's music in the air某地氣息中樂聲彌漫

a sound of hope那是希望之歌

and the days flow like a rainbow日子如彩虹般飛逝

lighting the sky with colors of joy將天空點亮歡樂色彩

the angels dance beneath the sun天使於陽光下舞動

with wings of love揮動愛之羽翼

remember forever請永銘記

follow the force above and reach for tomorrow追尋上空力量抵達明日

lysric:ken kawashima

music:tsuyoshi kaneko


and all we do is follow our hearts所能做的便是跟隨心靈

i know it,somewhere there's magic in the air早已知曉魔法彌漫氣息的某地

a land of dreams那是幻想之嶼

and the moon glows like a halo月暈若隱若現

shining a light from heaven above恍若天堂之光

a place where spirits sing their song某地靈魂歌舞

beneath the stars於星空之下

surrender forever永遠舉降

follow the force of love and pray for tomorrow追尋內在力量為明日真切祈願

