White
can
give
people
relax
and
cool
feeling.
黃色--使人心情快樂,給人壹種溫暖、擴展的感覺。
Yellow
make
people
happy,give
a
kind
of
warm
and
extending
feeling,
紅色--最“暖色”之壹,使人緊張,在這種顏色環境下時間較長會使人疲勞。
Red
make
people
feel
nervous.If
people
live
in
this
colour
more
longer,people
can
feel
tired.
紫色--沈重的感覺,使人產生迷幻、擁擠的錯覺。
purple
is
heavy
colour.Make
people
produce
fantastic
and
crowded
illution.
藍色--使人平靜,但會產生憂愁感。寒冷而擁擠。
Blue
make
people
calm
down.But
also
produce
sadness.cold
and
crowded.
綠色--給人安靜、涼爽的感覺,能降低眼部壓力,舒緩眼睛疲勞。
Green
give
people
peace
and
cool
feeling.It
can
reduce
the
eyes
pressure
,and
relieve
eyes
weariness
灰色--冷色系,使人寂寞、冷淡。
Grow
make
people
feel
alone
and
cold.
黑色--能降低緊張程度,但會使人感到壓抑。
Black
can
reduce
the
degree
of
nervous,but
can
make
people
feel
perssure.