古詩詞大全網 - 古詩大全 - discord怎麽讀




sow discord搬弄是非 ; 挑拔 ; 挑撥離間 ; 離間

international discord國際糾紛 ; 翻譯

discord planned計劃的不和諧 ; 計劃矛盾 ; 不和諧的計劃

Curse Discord迷魅之咒

family discord家庭不和

parental discord父母不和

nsow discord搬弄是非

Discord Games深淵礦坑


1、We use Discord to keep our team connected and collaborate on projects in real-time.?

(我們使用 Discord 保持團隊聯系,並即時協作項目。)

2、Discord is a great platform for gaming communities to chat, share tips and tricks, and plan events.?

(Discord 是壹個很棒的遊戲社區平臺,讓人們聊天、分享技巧、計劃活動。)

3、You can join our Discord server to meet other language learners, practice speaking, and get help from native speakers.?

(妳可以加入我們的 Discord 服務器,與其他語言學習者見面,練習口語,並從母語人士那裏獲得幫助。)

4、Our Discord moderators are always on hand to help answer any questions or concerns you may have.

(我們的 Discord 版主隨時準備好回答妳可能有的任何問題或疑慮。)

5、To join our Discord community, simply click the invitation link and follow the instructions to create an account.

(要加入我們的 Discord 社區,只需點擊邀請鏈接,按照提示創建賬戶即可。)