例句:and yet the implication is that the train will eventually catch it up and savage it.而這裏的寓意就是火車會漸漸追上它並把它碾碎。
"By God's grace, there was never a moment where we thought we were going tohave another baby of our own, " Carolyn Savage said.“仁慈的上帝啊,我們從未想過我們將會有壹個不屬於我們自己的孩子,”卡洛琳薩維奇說。
He had said these things in a loud, rapid, hoarse voice, with a sort of irritated andsavage ingenuousness.他大聲疾呼地說完了那段話,聲音粗野、強硬、嘶啞,態度急躁、魯莽而天真。